يَا أَيُّهَا الْمُدَّثِّرُ ﴿١
قُمْ فَأَنذِرْ ﴿٢
وَرَبَّكَ فَكَبِّرْ ﴿٣
وَثِيَابَكَ فَطَهِّرْ ﴿٤
وَالرُّجْزَ فَاهْجُرْ ﴿٥
وَلَا تَمْنُن تَسْتَكْثِرُ ﴿٦
وَلِرَبِّكَ فَاصْبِرْ ﴿٧
Amel soname contact
i read o computer about how to break black magic
i read your way of breaking it
i nver understand please can you explain
Assalam-o-alaiqum. how are you sir? i think i am suffering with magic. i don't know its black, or or what but, someone told me. i use to live in Karachi.. i would like to meet you. kindly tell me your address, or telephone number so we can talk.. kindly do response my e-mail fast. i will wait ..
thank you,...
You look well informed about black magic and Quran. I am in need of a little help. Are you a professional at all this or something? I like someone but my father is opposed to it and declined to get us married. I want to convince him, can you help me out in this matter?
I look forward to your reply.
If I had known your name I would have preferred you to address with your name. I am looking for some help. I am not sure how it happened. I am also not sure that it is KALA JADOO or something else. My wife went to visit her parents in Pakistan 5 years ago and came back as a different person. Because she didn't have all she wanted she pretended and played along. last month she asked me for divorce and when I refused she asked for KULA and got a letter form a Mufti in Pakistan. The thing which is troubling me is that she has been married with me for 27 years and we have 6 kids. I cannot even imagine that a women can be so deceiving and wicked with a person with whom she has spent her 2/3 life. Still I love her and want her back as that is my whole world. I asked someone in Pakistan and they said that it is Kala jadoo by a hindu lady whom her mother hired. How can I find out the truth and break the spell. I recite all important ayahs from Quran, do five prayers , darood, and read Manzil every day since this thing started. If you can really give me sincere suggestion I will be for ever thankful. I am totally ruined. My wife is not mine, my kids are not mine and I don't even have a job for 9 months. I am a total loss. I hope you can understand.
Allah Hafiz
Assalaam Alaykum,
My name is Lumumba Farhani I am in Tanzania - East Africa.
May Allah bless you for what you educate us through internet for sure is very helpful mashaAllah. So please I hope can you advice me about this: My son has grow up as well and so bright till he has 3yrs and now his about 5yrs old and half but he turn back to 2yrs old alike! sometimes he do funny things like to play with shadows and empty air like he see something, then when he great salaam he bring lefthand without saying anything. when he sleep at night he took very long to fall asleep. then he can wakeup at late night and start playing, singing and talk with nobody! The good thing is when i had a book he doesn.t destroy it and he dont want anybody to take it back from him. I have tried some dua in ramadhan from you're site and it is helpfully Alhamdulillah, now he sleep well somehow. but some problem is remaining, all the time he want to play with peoples legs and looking on sometime he kisses and put his tongue in a legs. When you train him to count he doesn't follow but when you count One he count two! when you go three he go four etc...!! I dont know what is this exactly, I hope to get more from you InshaAllah.
can u let me how can i talk to u plz me from karachi pakistan
I came to know about you through your website, I need your help to solve my problems so please send me your detailed information
My name is aamir and I am facing job related and family related issues
I am Mohammed Rafeeq and write under pen name Rahath in Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen site and Administrator there. I happened to visit the site and found a response to one of my old posts. I tried to convince people the spiritual aspect in one's life and due to wahabi teaching people are hell bent upon denying everything related ghaib, israar and ruhaniyat. Actually it was directed to dispel their beliefs by posting from saudi news paper.
Your response and information is true and very vital in this age where people denying everything which they can not see or touch.
And due to ignorance drowning in deep evil mud without even realizing it.
Since I myself suffered and have very bitter experiences the whole article touched me and when I visited briefly your site I was really impressed with the rich and honest information you have provided. Jaza'kallah khair.
I am 26 yr old male student Having a problem
that ''From 5 yrs My heart beat
is very high 100-120,that is
giving me a lot of
problem ,anxiety is there,i
dont want to face people or
to go for work or talk with
people ,I am left alone ,i feel
like some one put a block on
me that i cant enjoy a normal
life,even i dont do wrong
things also plz help me.
i have read ur articles on black magic and how to treat it, i thank you and i pray that Allah may bless you for helping people, but i needed help, someone i know who is close to me has been cursed with a deadly form of black magic. The thing is that someone has told the victim that a lady in his family had a Bangladeshi magician do the curse, but i want to know who the lady is.. If u can please help me figure out this lady is i would really appreciate it may allah bless you
my name is yasmin
I need some help
to know how to pray to find peace in my hard
there is a problem that I dont can find a solutıon
everthing is break in my life whatever I do
my friendship my relatıons my pyaar
everthing ....
I want to know does my wife has any kind of BLACK MAGIC OR ANY BANDISH OR ANY JADOO OR ANY THING WRONG DONE ON HER
as salaam alakim!
im suffuring greatly under black magic sprits/jinns talking to me and through me through my body, sprits/jinns over my head in my walls talking to me and annoying me,people calling my phone and not saying anything breathing heavy,then bad things happen,people behaving irrational towards me,family mistreating and turning on me,people making fun of me, what is this?what should i do?
Assalaamualikum respected brother, my name is Ali Akbar Khan.
I have been reading on your internet website and have been very interested with your work mashallah. The reason for my contacting you brother is to ask for specific advice and treatment for a range of strange things that are currently occurring and have been happening for the past 4 years in my family home.
am of a Pakistani family in the U.K which consists of 2 brothers and 5 sisters. My eldest sister got an arranged marriage to someone in Pakistan and has 2 girls and 2 boys. Since her husband arrived to the U.K he behaved badly towards her and used to drink alcohol. It got to a stage that she no longer wanted to be with him and he left home and went to stay with his relatives in the U.K.
After 2 years (2009) he wanted to see his kids so he wanted to come back home to my sister. She refused and court cases started which lasted till between 2009-2011 and the kids were given to their father because of an incident which happened involving my sister and the social services regarding the children. I suspect the reason for losing the kids has to be because of some black magic against my sister because since her husband left and she didn’t let him come back home her behaviour all of a sudden changed. Before the kids were taken off her my sister for the past 2-3 years we have all noticed her doing strange things like speaking to herself, she’s also put on a lot of weight and smiles for no reason in front of family and her house was always unclean and windows and attic door were cello-taped shut. She also repeatedly washes her hands if she touches anything and swears at my parents and thinks everyone is against her. There is hardly a time when there is peace at home now. I have been living away from my family as I have been study at university for 3 years and have just returned in May 2011. There used to be happiness in my family and all I see now is sadness and suffering.
This may be a test from Allah and I pray to Allah to guide and protect me and my family from such evil, please brother I am asking you for some guidance or treatment to especially cure my sister and my family. I feel helpless and lonely and feel this will never end. Please could you respond because I have contact a few websites and have never received a reply. And finally may Allah reward you for your hard work. Wasalaam..
Aslaam Walikum Amel
I would just like to thank you for creating such a informative webpage. It has confirmed what has been happening to me and my family.
I was also able to identify two of the black magicians who were causing problems. And you are right they are stubborn and once they realise they have been identified they tend to cause more problems.
But with Allah swt intervention we have all begun to read our namaz in Jummat which had been missing and I have begun to read the Quran again.
I was wondering if you could tell me is there a specific Quranic ayat I can read to help me get my job back.
I was dismissed last year and I have managed to secure an appeal which is to take place soon. I am aware that this was black magic as everyone that knew me and worked with me were shocked that I was dismissed for such a trivial matter.
I believe that the panel members had been influenced by something unseen that made them come to the decision. My only concern is that the Panel who will hear my appeal may also be influenced - so to break the spell i was wondering what should I read?
I am aware of Surah Yunus verse 4 which you have mentioned - if this is okay let me know or if there is anything else in your wisdom that you can tell me I would be very grateful.
In the meantime - May Allah swt reward you in this life and the hereafter. And may Allah swt ease the passage from the grave to the hereafter for all your relatives who have passed on from this world and may Allah swt grant you and them paradise. Ameen thumah Ameen
I came to know of your site accidentally but after reading what is black magic and how it can be cured through Quranic verses; made me go through further your site and contact you for your advice and permission.
There were many symptoms you have mentioned of black magic; if one has. I don't have all but yes there are some which I do like dreaming absurd things, pimples and since some years my complexion is getting darker. I was in love with someone six years ago and so he also loved me. But then there came a girl and all of a sudden he told me that he doesn't love me and got married to her. Plus spread weird rumours about me so that everyone started looking down upon me and with doubts. But alhamdolillah, I knew I had not done anything wrong and my conscience was and is clear. I turned to Allah for help. I used to say prayers earlier and recite quran sharif and still try to be particular and regular. But still I feel that there was something done on me.
I am 36 years old and still single. People do show their interest but then something goes wrong. Proposal don't come often but whenever any family shows interest, they don't come again. I am alhamdolillah presentable and from good family. All my elder and younger siblings have got married and I need your help.
Can I start the removal of black magic by listening the amal you mentioned for 2-3 hours? How can I avoid black magic in futrue by anyone who is jealous of me or my family? How can I be sure that I am on black magic spell?
Please help me by replying at your earliest or if you may, please give me your contact number.
Thank you,
I am suffering from the symptoms of black magic. Can you help me in knowing about all this & their solutions.
Dear Amel Bhai,
Assalamu aleikum!
My name is Sajid lives in India. I am 28 yrs old married guy.
Actually, just now I read your article on black magic and really need ur help if u can.
I am also suffering from 1 of the magic, which u have mentioned in the article.
As I did love marriage 5 yrs ago, the family of my wife is not happy with this relation and they are trying to keep us (me, my wife and 3.5 yrs old son) separate for last 5 months.
After 3 yrs of my marriage my wife’s family accepted us but since then, they have been trying to make us separate. But finally in the month of may-11, my left me and not coming to my home. I have been requesting to her and her’s family, but they r not agreeing to send her back and she is also reacting negative.
Please help me in this issue. I have one son and I also love my wife like anything.
Allah aapki nek duao ko kabool farmae.
Hi ,my name is werly.i m a victim of black magic effect.i have a strong bad smell around me,in my nose and my mounth .i hear voices,my body on fire,mostly my feet,and I feel something shaking on me.can you help me.
Assalamualaikum sir,
My name is Enam . I've been sick for 1 year. Shukriya to allah that i,ve been cleared by medically. I meet personally an Emam(Healer) who works against jinn/devil/satan in the name of ALLAH.He watch me nd said that i’ve some problem.he said it maybe jinn/evil eye or it maybe a witchcraft/magic.but he didnt specified the problems address.yes practically i also see that he is right.because when my problems are increase he also said my problems are increased & when decreased he also said problems are decreased.he gave me several ‘treatment’ in the name of Almighty ALLAH for removing the problem.but the thing is that when i was started the every ‘treatment’ the problem have been removed.but it have been back again & again.until now I’ve been suffering the problem.You wrote about the Black magic symptoms, i read all of that & some of the symptoms of mine is similar symptoms that you have been wroted. my symptoms are -
1-Feels like the body is on fire.
2-The whole body remains hot.
3-Become irritant.
4-My face was too much dark 2 months ago. at that time it was darker day by day. now it is also dark. when i saw my face in the glass, i realize that it is not a normal face color or shape.
5-My face has no attraction left.
6-Feeling too much anxiety.
8-Feels like someone injecting pins in the body.This problem is not regularly.sometimes it happens.
9-Several day i saw bad dream,in the dream i saw snake.several times i scared on my dream & shouted or crying.that time when i awake i realize that i am automatically reciting the “Kalimaye taiob” or “Surah ekhlaas”.in present days i don’t see snake on my dream but I’ve been scared sometimes & saw girl related dreams.I saw um falling from high position. i also saw sexual dream.
10-In my west, where is the starting point of backbone, i feel to much pain here.
11-Feel that my body is tight.its not free.
12-There is no madness on me but i feel too much angry sometimes.
13-Becoming lazy. i sleeps for longer duration everyday.
14-Feeling tired.
15-I've been lose 8 kg of weight in 5 months. um skinny day by day.
16-Red spots on the body.
17-Sometimes i feel that my head is too much heavy.
Sir, in 2009 my father also attacked by fever & Vomit.we've been done every medicall treatment in that time.but nothing was founded.he was cleared by medically.then that Emam treatmet my father nd all praise to allah that he is completly get rid of that problem.now he is well.that time that healer say that, perhaps some magician attacked on my father.Sir, i dont know is this Jinn effect or Magic. What will i do sir? if it is jinn or magic then how can i figure out this.how could i know that if there is any hidden taweez? Plz help me to figure out this problem sir.
Sir......My son who is 20 years old is suffering from Jadoo or Jinn. I have consulted many Allah Wale & they said that your son has been effected by Jinn/Mokel sent by your enemies whom I am not aware. My son name is Hannad . He is very disturb at night time. He feels great problem in taking breath (short breathing). He switches off the computer if I play recitation of Sura Fateh, Sura Falaq, Sura Nas & Aytul-Kursi. He plays with fire or talk to someone on mobile. He does not let me below after recitation. He does not believe in Allah. He does not like to hear Azan. He never say prayers for his parents as he thinks it will reverse effects.
salam walaikum,
My name is ravi and ive been experiencing very bad black magic.
EVERY TIME i sleep i have bad dreams that last for hours.
I feel like energy is being taken out of me and im constantly tired.
My chest feels very nervous and heavy and I feel like vomiting but i cant.
I feel like my body will give up at any moment and i dont want to die.
Can Black Magic kill?
Please Help me
inshallah i will get better someday and will be able to live my life
I am committed with a guy for four years now. he used to like some girl in his college days but she left him because he was not rich and she married someone else and went to england. he told all this story by himself to me four years ago and he also told me that now he has no feelings for her. in these four years nor i asked him anything about that girl and neither he told me anything else other than that. In this year's april we got engaged and our families are planning our marriage next year inshAllah. Uptil now this sounds very beautiful to me because that guy and me have loved each other very sincerely that is why we agreed to get married and that also shows that he is not fake or flirt. they live in another city. despite of that my father-in- law visits to see me often. Our families accepted our relation with an open heart.
the problem started few days ago when i read his conversation with his college friend. he said to his college friend that he still wants that girl and he will do anything just to share bed with her once. when i read that i felt like devastated. its been about a week now that i can not think anything that what should i do. i know that you are not any psychologist or some solution finder who will going to tell me the solution of solving this problem of mine. the point of telling this story is that now i am feeling to break my relation with that guy because i can not live my life with a person who is deceiving me.
actually i have a history of being cast spells on me by my step paternal family. it was a very strong one. that spell had made our life miserable. we used to hear different disturbing sounds at our home every time. my mother even saw a cushion crawling over the sofa. our gardener found a head of a goat buried in our garden. my mother found a tub full of fresh goat's liver, lungs and heart under the car. a cat can not do that because it is very heavy to lift by a cat. but my aunt helped us to get rid of that spell by taking us to the maulana. and now after almost 10 years, things have again started like that. its been 2 weeks now my rooms window make such a loud sound as if some one has pushed it very hardly. and it happens after the Maghrib prayers on Wednesday means at the Thursday night. and yesterday in the morning i got up from sleep suddenly because i felt a harsh jerk in my whole body. it used to happen with me when i was previously under the spell.
the point of telling this whole thing is that i think that some one really wants to break our relation because some people in that guy's family wanted their daughters get married to him. and they are very jealous of our relation. and i was told about this by that guy himself. i am praying to Allah a lot for his help because i really want to get married to that guy because for four years we have dreamt of our marriage. i have been crying day and night since October 6.
i really need help because i do not know whether the guy is really deceiving me or some one has cast spell on our relation. i really need your help because i only believe in Allah, Islam and Quran. and that is why i have contacted you. please help me.
Dear Sir,
My Name is Faheem
I am in business problems
can you disclosed the nature and treatment of my problem
waiting anixiously
Asw , myself mazhar from india the problem is that last 2 years back i was affected by black magic, i took help from an aalim and after that everythng is going fine. Iam mailing you sir because i just want to knw that is there any shadow of black magic on me. Thank you sir.
Salaam alaikum Brother Amel,
I have just been researching about black magic on the internet and found your blogs and posts on the internet. I feel after reading your posts that you may (insha allah) be the person that i am seeking for help
Brother i am in a deperate situation and am desperately seeking any waseela, with the help of allah subhanuthala to help me and my family.
I cannot describe to you in words how much pain and hurt my family are experiencing at this moment in time, suffice it to say that we are in deep dispair and in search of some kind person, walli allah that would be willing to help us in our situation and get our deepest thanks and most thankful dua's in return.
I cannot describe to you in detail, on this email but would be glad to do so by phone contact if at all possible..
Is there anyway that i can personally call you or make further contact?
i am resident in the UK.
please can you reply to this asap..as i feel time is of the essence, if i am to be able to help my family and myself.
many thanks
Brother Soname
my name is noor, i dont have anybody in this world i am alone. Please help me, i live alone and cannot find work and my life is going very bad. I always am worrying and feel music playing in my ears when i wake up and always think negative and feel lazy reading quran and feel depressed thoughts all the time. Can u give me a Amal to remove this abbsurd and depression feelings and tell me how long i should do this process.
Salaam Brother,
I would like to know, how long would it take to remove the evil powers inflicted on a person.
They would not be able to say any prayers or do anything things you will ask them to do, due to circumstances.
While I compile the information you require from the list of different symptoms, can you please let me know what is the maximum time it would take to remove everything from the person., and how soon would you start!
I am suffering from different black magic related problems and need you to deal with and solve them. I will be glad to pay your charges. Please reply soon.
Soname Sahab, Assalam-O-Alykum:
May Allah give you the best of His Blessings in this world and hereafter.... I have a couple of questions for you:
(1) Can you please find out if I have Jadoo and Asaraat on me? If I do have Jadoo on me, please suggest ways to get rid of it.
(2) Can you please find out if my mother (who lives with me in USA) has Jadoo and Asaraat? Also, suggest ways to get rid of the Jadoo if she has it. Several people have tried to help us in getting rid of the Jinns but I am still not sure what's going on. My mother's situation hasn't improved and my business/investments are all gone.
(3) I have suffered huge financial losses in investments/business during the last 3 years due to several fraudulant people. It has completely ruined my life. Can you please suggest
the best ways to recover money and get my life back on the tracks.
Again, may Allah give you the best of His blessings. Jazak Allah Ul Khair.....
Allah Hafiz,
As Salam Walikum Amel bhai,
This is haroon here calling from Mumbai India.
I just got your websites.
bhai, there are some problem going on in my family for which their
sons is in big trouble.
Actually some one has told that he is a victim of Black Magic and cant
able to stand, walk, move.
Just he is sitting in one corner and he can listen, eat, admire.
we have shown to many people but none of the result has shown
We have also approach to special doctor but doctor told that he dont
have any problem in his body.
Please suggest.
My sister life is in trouble, my (bhaijaan) sister husband is good man
But all of a sudden my sister husband is missing , his parents and his family member hit my sister and my bhaijaan.
By their evil thought my sister and my bhaijaan is seperated , my sister hardly was happy for a month in her marriage life
then my sister mother in family created problem and seperated my sister and husband , its been a year and we dont know where my bhaijaan is there, my sister was pregnant her mother in law family member all hit her,
We didnot go to police as we thought things will go fine and my bhaijaan asked us not to create problem so we kept quite
now my sister (father in law) is telling still he is alive he wont allow my sister to lead a life with his husband and will divorce my sister, she has given birht to boy baby (masha allah) now the baby is going to be year
but no new from my bhaijaan.
Many are telling this is due to black magic , i am not sure, but i dont find any suitable person can you help me
allah hafiz
Assallamualaykum Al Ustad Amel Soname,
My name is Sutan . I am Indonesian. Please, help me Ustad ! Would you like to inform me who are present day Kamil Aulia Allah in Pakistan and India ?
Assalm o Alikum,
I have read your article about black magic so now I need your help.
I have a daughter
She was engaged 2 times but when we do fix date of her marriage she totally refused to merry.I do not why and now I am very worried about her marriage.
Please would like to tell me what are the causes of her refusing.Is any Bandish for her marriage or any other thing?
Thank you,
Allah hafiz.
I need ur help as I am getting\orst don't know wat to do my body is feeling eating inside. Feel heavy all the time no blood in body. Can't foceSs at. work. My mom iS nt well She's Sick. I don't enjoy anYthing in my life. I will pay if you sort us out don't sleepsa at wrk. DO nOt cocentrate at work
Dear , sir
As salam o alaikum
my name is Abdul wahid and i am in problem
i am getting loss what ever business i do since last seven years i dont know what is the problem kindly see /check the matter and tell me what is the problem and what to do. can u solve this problem ?
I have been told that some one from my in laws did a magic spell on me.. Can you please find and suggest the cure for it. I have the symptoms of headache so frequently, from the past few years, i have broken relationship with my husband and nearly seeking divorce from him. The thing is i still dont want to go back but i need to break this magic spell as Im far from every happiness of life.. I cant be happy from the past few years and if I get happy it has been ruined by some one immediately..
kya is jado ka tor mumkin hai? kya mujhay apnay khwand say divorce mil jae ge? App say bari Umeeed hai...Allah jazaye Khair naseeb kerwaye.. Amen...
As Salaam Wa alaikum Amel saheb,
After reading a lot about you on the internet, i am writing to you with great hope.
I am in a relationship with a girl whom i am going to marry inshallah next year, She was onced posessed by a Sehr when she was small, she said that a women with a red sari would regularly haunt her, her parents consulted an Aamil who cured her but then i feel he did not cure her completely.
She still feels the presence of an unusual being sometimes when she is alone or when it is dark, she cannot sleep in the dark, she feels as if some one is touching her hair, breathing heavily near her, she normally gets a burning sensation in her stomach when she prays or does zikr.
I consulted another Amel who was close to my family, i told him everything about her, after a few days i called him and he just told me stay away from her, because she is haunted by a Man jinn and he will not leave her. he told me thatthe Man jinn has been trying hard to harm me but some NEK DUA is coming in between.
I told him i cant stay away from her and would not leave her no matter what, so he told me do what you want but dont ask for my help.
the real problem began when i used to drop her home after maghrib, whenever just before reaching her house, she would talk very rudely to me, her behaviour would change,
and when i would ask her what happened , she would tell me "dont play games with me, you think i dont understand what your doing."
after that i asked her why did u say like this, she would say that she dint remember anything.
this happened a few times, only after maghrib ....
But now days it happens even during day time,
Again a few days back , she was talking normal and i was tellling her read ayatul khursi , read 4 QUL. suddenly she turned very rude and she told me " you think i dont know what games your playing with me, i also confronted it to talk to me, but it would not converse with me, and again she would become normal.
Lastly i was talking to her over the phone and telling her how she should read duas to protect herself, and how she should stay away from trouble,
suddenly she is telling me , you want to become her bodyguard na , you wont be there everywhere to protect her, I told her My allah will be there and my duas will always be there to protect her,
she just hung up, i called her again and she again told me she dint remember anything,
All i want to know is whether is she really possessed or does she have some phychic problems ??
I am really scared and worried for her, please help me in any way you can
i can across your blog i hope you can help me. My boyfriend broke up with me due to his family and many spiritual people have told me that his mother did some pooja on him to make him forget me.He has completely changed and does not talk to me anymore earlier he wanted to marry me very badly.
can you tell me what way it is of finding out what his mother has done and how can it be removed.
i will be very very greatful
Aoa. Everyone, My name Is Sami and i have been haunted by black magic which blocked my sustenense and caused me bodily problems but now i have recovered from it Allahamdulilah. I got the right person who cured and breaked the black magic that was happen on me. He has done ilam from Iran and he's a very degnified Man i would like to help you all. If anybody wants to talk to me, you can message me on my cell number if i dont answer your call. Inshallah all your problems will solved, all i just want to get the ajar of helping you people. All the best. My number is 0334 5363306
Hi I am Indrani, Please help me because i am in deep trouble. My Boy Friend has leave me before 2-3 days. I am in dangreous problem. I can't live without him. Please help me.
Online Vashikaran Babaji
Love Guru
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