If someone is being controlled by the jinn, and he believes that it is the case with him, because it often happens that when such a person is brought near some amal to rid him of jinnat, the jinnat hide at that moment so they cannot be scared away. And the aamil think that there is nothing wrong with him, and then the person has to go to doctors and he gets tired of trying to find a cure for himself. Such a person should do as follows:
Recite darood 11 times, and then 11 times sura-e-nas and then 11 times darood, and repeat this after every namaz/prayer. Keep doing this till the jinn leave the person alone. And even after the person rids himself of the jinn, he should keep repeating this process because the jinn may come back. He may also recite ‘ayat-ul-kursi” with it. If the person feels that the jinn are apparent, then he may consult some amil, otherwise he can continue this recitation.watch this video about jinns
Amel soname contact
am in very trouble , someone has done black magic or jinn has been upon me please can you help me ?
allah will insha-allah bless you & if i will be cured insha allah i will donate five lakh rupees. .
please contact me on this email id
please meri madad karo
assalamu alye kum
i have been Affected by Black Magic, and I would like to try what you are suggesting,but I do not know where I will find Darood or Qul,or Ayat ul Kursi.Please help me find this.I eagerly will wait for your response.
I read your blog on jinns and magic and was wondering if you could help me. Do you deal with moakhil jinns yourself bro?
JazakAllah Khayr
My sister recnetly went to a imam who opens a kitab, if you know what i mean, and he said that i have a sahya of a jin, i have been in bad moods lately and looking around me i am not normal, i cnt sleep comfortably at night, i think of stupid sick things, i dnt have control over my actions, i dnt like being around anyone even my own parent and my kids, im hating everyone...these things have ben happening for some time now. Whats going on???
i am from jammu in india. i
have some problems with me and in our home. i want to clear some doubts
also regarding use of taweez and many more. please contact me.
Dear Brother
I have read your blog, and the experience you have in removing the evil and black magic
Please help me in resolving my problems that i have been having for many years now, despite my education and all, it s very hard for me to find a job, whenever i find a job, the employer likes me and all, but after a while like 6 or 7 months problems starts happening for no reason, and i end up losing my job. This has happened to me for like 8 jobs every time it s the same thing. it all started when i was engaged once to one man, some girls did some sihr to us, we got separated we never got married, and i lost my job and everything for almost 10 years now
Please help me on removing this sihr from my life, also to tell you the sihr is stronger from October to march than the other months of the years
Please help as i have become hopeless about my future
Your suffering sister
Wa assalam alaikoum
Respected Sir,
I have been suffering from past 2 yrs. I got married in April 20, 2008 and my mother in law was given all dowry she wanted but still she was too shrewd mind, my parents wanted to call off the marriage due to the cheap mentality of my mother in law but she promised to keep me happy. My husband was very loving and caring and respected me as well as my family. After a month to my marriage my mother in law visited my house and after that problem started, suddenly my husband loved me less and got irritated on me too often. My husband even gets irritated if i talk to my parents over the phone. My husband has even thrown things at me listening his mother, he blindly listens to my mother in law. My mother in law wants me to divorce my husband inspite of the fact that we have a two months old daughter. My mother in law is even troubling my two months old daughter. My husband even speaks of hurting my daughter listening to my mother in law. Sir is there any cure
so that i can have a happy married life. I dont want to leave my husband but at the same time wants to protect my daughter from my mother in law
hi salaam i can not sleeping somebody did black magic for me i dont get sleep last night all night please tell me if you cna help me i need protection
I am suffering from black magic as well, I read your articles, they were quite informative. My name is Hina and I have been going through all this for four years. At first my family didnt take it seriously but now its creating diasatrous effects on me. I have gone for Amils as well...no doubt they helped me and got cured but it keeps on coming back. Now, I dont know where to go as I think nobody can help me.. one amil dont me not to do amals that I m not sure about so I m confused..please help me out with this..and if you can tell me why someone did this thing to me..as I have done noting wrong with anyone..
I read your article on black magic.
I wanted to know that if you could provide me with the address or a number of some good black magician for my work as my life depends on my issue.
Please let me know.
assalamoalikum amel saab !!! sir my grandmother (nani)(my moms mother)and grandfather (nana)(my moms father) is under black magic spells, she starts hating us and my mom and my yonger mamu ...and she only praises my elder mamu and his wife....my grandmother recides away from us...can u plzz tell me about some quranic amal which i can do and my grandmother (nani) gets cured...
Please check sir my sister is too badly in sins , she beats my mother and all sisters , love a guy who is also a disobedient child , we are in big worries ,they are to young and not capable to run a family and wanting to get married , it seemsthat some times my sister gets annoyed on just little things and start fighting ,we just don’t know what to do and where to go . moreoever ,our family facing obstructions in every other task , kindly check whats wrong , I am desperately waiting for your reply
Asalamalikum,i am married from past two
years,have a baby boy aged 15months alhamdulilah•however my husband
and inlaws haven't treated me well during this time•this is my second
marriage and my husbands third.he has two children from previous
marriage.the reason for discord is unreasonable and illogical.it seems
they didn't want to have any child from me.they tortured and have
beaten me up several times.my mother in law especially dislikes me and
has brought this relationship to this stage.recently sme month ago I
had gone out along with mybaby to see my mom,as soon as I reached
there my husband sent me divorce paper which I refused and immediately
reached my husbands home.but the house was locked and I and my baby
were not allowed,saying that I had been divorced.I approched police
and filed complaint against my in laws and husband.meanwhile I have
filed court case seeking justice and maintenance for myself and my
child.since its a long term process.I am disturbed and almost broken.I
have no source of income,my father has expired recently and my mom is
on pension.I don't know what to do.I seriously want the things to
settle down between me and my husband by reconcillation since I can't
bear this stigma the second time.is there any hope for
Dear sir
i m from mumbai india in difficulty since last 23 years in rozi rozgar it breaks very oftently every six month , also i wish to become wealth
kindly suggest
is there any jadoo or something else
please help
Assalamoalekum Amel Saheb,
Saheb my name is Sajjad and I am suffering from Amliyate Najoum as per one molana saheb in my area, according to him I am suffering from this Amal for the last 7-8years and he is right.Because before I was living a normal life but than in early 2006 things started becoming worse day by day.First I started taking loans although my salary was good than I started asking for money from every one although my salary was high as compare to people whom I ask for loan.Than in 2010 I lost my highly paid job without any reason and I have to flee the foreign country.Now for the last one and half year I am jobless and without any chance of getting the job again although I am trying hard to get job in country or outside country anywhere but of no use as yet. Can you pls help me in this regard I will be oblige and secondly can I start the subject vazifa with your permission or you suggest something else.Saheb in your vazifa of Surat Al Kausar to find out the person who did black magic you did not mention how many times we have to recites the surat and for how many days and at what time.Pls reply
we want to contct u we are effect by black magic please give us your adress plus phone number so that we cn contct you for treatment .thanks
I want to discuss very serious matter as soon as possible. please tell me how can i do this my parents want me to give a divorce to my wife because they find out through some alim that my did the siply amal at our home how can I find out myself they are rite or not
thanks main app say kis tara contact karsakta hon
i am from Dhaka Bangladesh , My name is Asif . from last 5 years i am trying for marriage but not getting success , i want to know on me have any black magi ? if have ple help me what should i do or remove it if u can ple help me i am very depressed .
waiting for your reply
I have visited your website and it is Mashallah very good.
I need to ask how to break the black magic caused by jealousy magic of sex how to break it can you please advice me or tell me some one to contact me the solution how to break this spell with the help of Quran-e- Kareem.
I will really appreciate for your help.
Dear sir
As salam ale Kum janab,
My self parwaz from Lucknow India. I need your help in a matter related to my family. I saw most of your blogs and find it informative and impressive. I am mentioning the problem below:
my mother had a heart attack . She never had such problem.she was suffering from pain in palms which spread in whole arm since 2008. she tried medications of different doctors but the medicines were not curing the pain. on 9 sept she suddenly suffered from a severe pain in chest which led to her hospitalisation. she had an angioplasty operation, 2 days after which she suffered pericardial effusion(heart wall broken). this led to infection inside her whole body ( septisemia infection, multiple organ failure). she was being given best medicines but they were not affecting her. all this led to her death on 26th sept . i jus want to know whether its a natural death or a case of sifli amal.If it is the black magic which I think it is then who is behind all this coz we already faced similar losses before.
Brother I really need your advise in it.
Hi Babaji,
I am in big problem and someone is doing black magic on me and my BF and i want to talk to you.
Can you please give me your mobile number
Thank you
Dear Sir,
I have read ur blogs I am in a very serious problem and I need your help can you help me.
Please send me ur contact no. so that I can talk to you.
assallaam walaikum brother soname i am from england my name is khalid i have been reading your litriture on jadoo black magic and reversals and mashalla its realy good may allah keep you and family protected at all time. my story is that someone in family gave me black magic in food to eat....... and when i eat the food my body starts to hurt now can you help me plz. what can i do. how can i stop black magic in food when i eat food....can i read something on black magic food so i can eat plz tell me. can i reverse black magic that i eat on food.
jazzakallah w.sallaam
Dear Sir,
I have gone through all your website posts and feel you are doing a very good job of helping the common man May Allah Thaala pour on you his blessings.I have a similar issue which i want to bring in front of you since i have nobody to guide me to right path.My name is Akif and i am 22 yrs of age and i have lost my father in a bike accident in the year 2003 after which i and my mother are dependent on my paternal uncle and my grand father.My grand father and my uncles dont want to give my dad's share to me i dont no why.But Allah thaala is vry generous alhamdulillah my sister got married 6yrs ago but one problem she is facing is that she is not able to conceive yet.And my problem is that i finished my engineering with Allah Thaala's help alhamdulillah this year 2011 but not able to find a job here in Bangalore my uncle is trying to seperate me from my mother by sending me to US for further studies i know that there is nobody else for my mother other than me and if i leave her here and go i will not succeed in this duniya as well as in the aakhirath i dont want to go even then i dont know how but my uncle succeeded in convincing me to go but Allah Subhaanawathaala is very gracious that thought is out of my mind now.I feel my life is being controlled by my Paternal uncle as he has been with a very knowledgable hazrath from many years whenever i meet my uncle i feel i am completely in control of him and i do whatever he tells me to like a puppet.I have been reciting few duwa's posted in your website.One important change which i want in my life is i want to be independant and i dont want anyone to control me and my mother and boss over us.I want Allah Thaalah to be the one making good or bad changes in my life pls sir help me and guide me through right path and get me out of this issues.My dad's entire family has become against me and my mother except for my uncle i feel he is the one doing all this if i am wrong may Allah pls Forgive me if i am right pls help me come out of these situation.May Allah keep you always healthy so that you are able to help people like us.
Inshallah i will be eagerly waiting for your reply sir
My problem is I want to reach the height of my education,I am a doctor from Pakistan and residing in Canada ,came years before and kept facing challenges on so many fronts,never get the piece of mind to study and finish my exams now by any how I am done with exams,last two years I am trying to get the residency but availing no luck ,although my some of friends lower than my academics successful in getting residency ,why I am the one always face hard luck.This year I already applied in US but no interviews yet and now I am going to apply in Canada,please help me and advise me what should I do so I can get residency in my required field.I need this badly b/c I love education and other thing is I am my parents only daughter and I have to support them financially and also morally and only way is I should be strong enough to assist them in their older age.My only way out is getting a good residency and I am not getting it.This is always my dream to be a great doctor and I work hard for it .Raising a family,keeping parents along you can imagine is very hard in our society where only sons are suppose to take care of their parents not daughters.I do not want to waste your time with discussing all the hurdles I face from my own people.. Please help me out .and keep in touch I will follow your advise.
There are few shia alims are here,one promise me that if I pay him he will pray and I will sure get the residency but honestly I do not want anything that come closer to Shirk,I find your web site and feel that you have sound knowledge of religion.so tell me what should I do to get successful in my profession.
Aslam-o-Aalaikum amel suname sahib. I am writing from pakistan. I am suffering from kala sifli amal since last three years. In my case of Magic i suffer from physical pains and illness. At first we thought that it is some medical problem. We consulted various Medical doctors, all my tests and reports were clear but the illness started increasing. We followed the doctors for two years but nothing good happened. After that we consulted a great spiritual healer '' Khawaja Muhammad Salman Sahib'' of karachi. According to my judgement he is a v geniune person. He never took a single penny from me and is helping me till now. He is having quite high spiritual powers. Anyway after that we came to know that my brother's wife (my bhabhi) is doing this dangerous type of magic on me. And this is 100 % confirm. Anyway my spiritual healer Khawaja sahib always read Quranic surats and cut off that back magic from me by wasting it. I almost call him daily and he waste that magic done on me As he said and i myself also know that my bhabhi is doing the magic daily on me. Khawaja sahib said that there is no permanent cure of it because the spells and magic is done DAILY on me. Khawaja sahib's muslim jinnat also told that the voodoo dolls of my name, with needles in them were found from the graveyard. Amel Suname sahib i am in alot of trouble and in pain from last three years. The culprit is present in my own house, so what should i do. Every day i become a target of the magician and my life is now at risk. I am so much weak now. i feel that someone is pressing my throat all the time, i also feel that my chest remains heavy. The magician is giving me all type of physical troubles. I am a student and my studies also stopped because of all that. I am helpless. My father has passed away and we came to know that it was also because of the dangerous type of black magic done on him. My mother is so much depressed and worried because of me. But wat should i do. i m suffering from these pains since last three years. I m tired now. We consulted many other spiritual healers also but no one was able to handle my case. Now i am on bed. We recited these things daily since last one year, darood shareef, surae fateha, aetul kursi, surae feel, surae kausar, surae alburuj, surae naas, surae falq, surae qafiroon, alhamd, surae adiyaat, and selected verses of surae baqarah. We read it in the order of wazifah and also dum the water and drink it. We have done everything but i am still on bed. My bhabi has done so much magic on my brother that he has become mentally paralyzed and he even donot believe that i am a victum of this ugly magic done by his wife. Please guide me and help me that what should i do now. Please pray for my health. I will wait for your reply. Yes and one last thing , i can easily take revenge from my bhabhi because first of all she is not a muslim anymore, she is a kafir now and According to Islam the one's who practice black magic and the one's who go to the magicians both become kafirs because these idiots tear quran, burn quran, throw quran in toilets and many more just to fullfill their ugly desires. Extreme hell fire is waiting for these people in the life hereafter and these idiots are wajibul qatil ( to be murdered). The servant of hazrat Hafsa R.A did black magic on her and hazrat hafsa r.a ordered to murder her and she was killed at one's. But the thing is that how should i take revenge. I am alone and helpless right now. One way is to consult a magician and start doing black magic on my bhabhi BUT I WILL NEVER DO THIS BECAUSE DOING MAGIC IS STRICTLY RESTRICTED IN ISLAM. Anyway tell me some other possible way to get rid of this idiot lady.
asalaamu alaikum varahumatuhlohi vabarakaatuhoo
Dear brother i have a very big issue i does not know what is behand all these .... when i look at night up at stars moon and if i continiously looks on single star or moon some energy or power comes towards my face and body .... if you knows can you explain what is the reason behind that please send me email crookanstar@gmail.com
Hi I'm in big trouble when it comes to black magic. There is this girl who is doing black magic on the man I love , he is the father of my unborn baby too . I love him so much and this girl is using black love magic on him. I'm recently looking into the side effects and the effects it does on the guy mentally and physically and I hate that she's doing this to him and that she's doing her best to keep him away from me and making my life hard by being distant and neglectful to his child, I don't know what to do. What do I do?! I want to protect him I want to protect myself and my son and she's practicing dark magick
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