in black magic there is a type of magic that makes married women impatient they hate to live with their husbands. if some married women notices these sorts of symptoms in herself then she must do what i am going to tell you now that will cut this magic type.
follow the instructions.
take white paper write 70 times this ayat surah tahrim ayat#10
and put this in water bottle.
now daily in morning and in evening take a glass of water out of this bottle and add few drops of honey in this glass of water and drink this water inshallah tallah in 7 days you will get rid of this magic (okdat faraj)
I read that mail of yours on the website. I want to say you are doing a good job. I myself have been victim of black magic once and lost my father and brother to this. I learnt these very ayat exactly and cured myself with Allah's blessing. Besides, Manzil is a good recipe too. Some meditations and ofcourse, one has to start praying, leave kabira sins and earn halal, otherwise thing won't help. Quranic verses recitation is the best tawidz All amils, pirs faqirs charging money just misguide people. It is a long long story. Anyways, Allah bless you and keep doing the good job, fi sabillilah.
Brother,I am a muslim and i guess my wife is suffering with black magic.
I need an islamic solution please help me if you can,.
i have seen some of your writings.
PLEASE Brother reply me if u have a solution
May Allah's blessings be on u.
could u please suggest an amil in mumbai who would perform the rituals for me as per islam for black magic.
ASAK Dear,
Thank you for your messeges and sorry to take your time.
اللَّهُ لَطِيفٌ بِعِبَادِهِ
this ayat you rote really made me crying. yeah this is the fact that Allah JJH is latef for us. but why this happens with me every time. i dont know.
i am always restless inside and i am always worried. even when there is nothing wrong.
i try to find a job and get wealth but there is no chance.
some one said that i have a very shining and lucky star and i should be very lucky. but He said that smeone has done a jadoo against me.
this is why i dont have chance in the life. if i get red of this jadoo then every thing would be ok.
Who has done this jadoo???? this is the question i ask from my self.
the problem is that Shakk on anyone is a sin. and i dont want to accuse anyone.
So dear brother would you have any easier way to find a solution inshallah.
assalaamu alaikum
i happenad to come across your advices about sihr \
what can i do to find out whether someone has made black magic on my marriage cos my wife refuses to sleep with me she invites this man whom i tried almost everything to get hold of him to my house when i am not there
Aslam Alaikum
I have been harmed by people for the last ten years are I am 50% dead with very strong bandish.
People take money of me and I still dont get better.
Can you help me because I want to do a cilla or something and become an alam and cure myself and others properly without charging money.
Im very serious about this so please contact me as soon as possible.
Mera naam Mohammad Salim hai.I am suffering from all kind of sexual problem such as erectile dysfunction ,premature ejaculation ,i discharge without enjoyment,excitment,climax within five seconds.I also suffer from unknown fear,no intrest in any thing.I do not feel happy in any matter where as i got disappoint in even very small thing.no excitment in life.Lack of self confidence.My heart beat increases even in very small issues.Ek bechaini si mahsoos hoti hai.kisi se baat karne me ghabrahat hoti hai,zabaan se alfaaz kucch aur nikal jate hain,logon ko hanste dekhta hoon to mahsoos hota hai ke ye log kaise hans lete hain.I got married 15 years earlier & have two children.Are all these problems due to some amal/bandish.
Kucch dino se meri biwi ke saath bhi kucch na kucch hota rahta hai.
Meri biwi ka naam Shamshun Nisha hai aur unki walda ka naam Quamrun Nisha hai, Meri biwi ki sehat kuchch dino se lagaatar girti chali ja rahi hai , pet me taqleef rahti hai ,aksar loose motion hone lagte hain, baal bhi bahot gir rahen hain.Haal me blood test me sugar ki sikayat mili hai jabki unke parents 70 ke kareeb hain aur unhe ye marz nahi hai. Kisi tarah ki jadoo,amal bandish to nahi hai,ya kisi tarah ke nazar ka mamla to nahi hai.
Meherbaani kake hame in pareshaniyon se nijat dilwa deejiye.
Allah Hafiz
how are you?
thsi is shumaila i need to talk tu you i saw ur email id from a site,
if u get my email plz answer me ,
Thanks, shumaila
Assalamu Aleikom,
I think my mother and I have been cursed with black magic, I read your online summary of types of black magic. Are you a sheikh of some sort? I live in the US and it is hard to find a knowledgeable sheikh here who can help us with this.
A fellow sister in need
Salaam Allaikum:
My name is Mohammad Nisar. I am an indian national residing in Saudi Arabia for the last 23 years with out visiting my home country. I got married in saudi arabia to an indian lady thru one of the marriage site. Though i am working in finance as a manager with very good salare, but there is no BARAKA in my earning. For somany years i am not bale to save a single penny.
Me and my wife always quarrel with each othe for no reason. I ma permanantly suferring from Head Ache, anger. I ger anry very fast for no reason. The same is happening with my wife. She always report to her Sister every conversation of others. Wat ever i think of future plan, nothing goes ahead. I had not saved a single penny for no reason.. I want to study further to keep pace with my job. Alawys deep heache.
Please help me out in light of Quran. Inshallah, HE will reward you in both of this world. JAZAKUMMULLAH
please sir i feel my penis is not in proper position as it used to be i am only 33 please i feel some one did on it magic.please if u can guide me to get out of this situation.its stamina is no good it is showing pre mature ejaculation.
2- my wife is after in over sex demand like some one some how or the other has enhanced her will for sex with black magic which is troublesome and shameful.
please help us out.
Mashalla seen ur blog u done great work I do need ur prayers too
Do some one need any permission to perform that Amal?
my name is maria i am in a very difficult situation. i was suppose to get married to a boy in nov. we both loved each other. i have canceled all the other proposal because of him. he told me that he will speak to his parents but what i understood today that he is looking for a arrange marriage. i am heart broke. i asked him before that if you dont like me tell me. but he kept saying he will speak to his parents and now i understand this. i was very kind to him if he would have sd this to me i would have taken it saying that parents are not agreeing but he cheating me is hurting me a lot. i want him to relise his mistake and get married to him. please help me
my emais is maria_jacob@rediffmail.com
thank you
Selam alekum I suffer for many years from black magic I really need hep please let me no how to get help I do pray I have kids my kids they are suffering to fight no job sad depressed a lot mere please for sake of Allah I need to speak to u brother Selam alekum sister from USA.
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