In some cases suddenly victim gets effected by Evil Thoughts & absurd Feelings which is another danger type of black magic, victim always thinks absurd and filth.
Victim can’t think positive about any one because of negatives thoughts and mentally destruction he feels pleasure in destruction and bad things. He starts hating the good deeds.
Symptoms’ are:
1: Always remain in Aggressive mood he gets excited when he see someone’s loss and he keeps on doing violence and bad deeds.
2 : He Avoids and totally against of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) and Quran.
3 : He becomes loose Temper
4 : He becomes psycho.
5 : He remains depressed.
6 : Always in worry and keeps thinking every time.
7 : He likes loneliness and Polite.
Solution through Quran:-
1: Recites soorah Fateha 300 times after Fajjar Prayer.
2 : Recites soorah Fallaq 200 times after Zohar Prayer.
3: Keep your eyes vision continuously on Allah’s Name for 15 mins but with full concentration.
4 : Pray 5 times a day and get bath daily.
5: recites soorah Tariq after Ishaa prayer.
Inshallah Magic will be destroyed in few days.
Amel soname contact
i want all information actully this time am not feeling well
my job is finshed and my home lot of problems, so in this reasion i request u please help me, example all time bad adieas in by brain all time sleeping , all time dull, all time pain in all body , all time free, i dont like any body talk with me. my all relatives dont like me, my wife she all time querel with me, his talking is very ba, my younger brothers dont like me, i dont know whats matter for my life , for god sake please help me i am very thank full for all life
best regards
I visited your posts on many site and its really good and informative. Dear i also do amliyat but at the beginning level.
I have also buisness and often my things got stolen and lost. Can you kindly tell me muakalati amal for finding these things.
Aksar log muaklat ki haazri anghotay par kara kay deikha daitay hain gumee hoee cheez. Can you kindly tell me this amil or any other
you have to solve my problem.
Allah hafiz
A/A. My name is gh.mohd. and i am from jammu and kashmir. I read your article about hamzad. I want the permission and guidance for the same. What should i do for that. Thank you
I am hindu, but I love Quran sharif. I love Allah. I am reciting darood Sharif in wadoo.
I want your contact address and cell phone no. for further guidelines.
may you provide above requirement?
please provide.
Allaha hafiz
As Salam Alaykum,
I was wondering if you only interact through your blog (that is, summary answers provided to the forum) or that you also answer to specific personal inquiries.
I have some rather involved queries and need of advice/help and would like to discuss via e-Mail if all possible. I can elaborate further should deem our correspondence moving forward.
My second question would be: Where are you located. I mean in a general sense, like Saudi Arabia, Iran, India...
BTW, my mother tongue is American english and I am in the U.S.
Hi Brother i saw your points which you dicuss iin the blogs it is great help to the human kind from your side.Many tips and points u have dicussed in it which we rearely come across as a benefit to the people who are suffering with this things.I have some doubts which i wanted to share with you about myself.
1) I have observe about myself that i am hating people and dont like to meet to anyone
either at their place or if anyone comes to my house so also.
2) I want to be alone and be in oness alone myself and being a graduate i am jobless also
I change my decisions and not firm in one decision and gets aggressive to everyone.
3) I have been to saudi also and performmed UMRAH also and my prayers are also not on time.I was not like this but from when i came back frm abroad i became like this .
Request to kindly assist me in finding what is the concern
salam brother
I read your post, some one fed me jado, i hate it without even knowing it. now i cant pray, everytime i pray from the heart i start to vomit. is there anything i can do to get rid of this?? remember i totally quit praying, i cant read qoran but i know alhamd, and the 3 qols.
thanks and wasalam
salam o allaiqum
brother i have got a big problem with me,,,,the matter is that i went to my naani haal and t i stayed their for some days but during that stay my dupatta which i was wearing went missing as i had kept it their in the room .i tried to search for it but i couldnt find it,,i think they have kept it some where to do black magic with my dupatta beacuse from that day i don't pay any interst on my studies,,,i can't stay at one place ,i get up from books again and again,,,i want to study a lottt as i m a veterinary docter but i dont know why i can't concentrate on my studies? please help me,,,my exams are coming from 14th june ,i have to work hard but i am not studying at all,,my nani hall people have some rivals with us because of some family matters,, they dont want us to prosper,,,please help me, for sake of allah
Hello Brother
My self is john working for IT Company as a system analysis; I am converted from HINDUSIUM to CHRISTIANITY 9 month before and I have come to know about you from one of my friend, my problem is that, 2 year back I got married with my fathers friend daughter by force of my parent but I love my colleague whose name is Maria and I want to marry with her but Maria put a condition that she will marry me only when I leave my wife. So, I need your help and hope that being a Christian your will help me with your black magic power to get the rid of my wife and I am ready to pay you charges whatever it may be 50,000-00 or 1,00,000-00
I am very optimist and hope to get a positive answer from you.
Me and my twin sister have been suffering from this for sometime. However, alhamdullilah my twin got married last year. I have not yet.
I think i have all the symptom u posted...
I have been goin for treatment for sometime when i was in Malaysia.
Now im in London studying...so i couldnt really find a suitable person for the treatment.
I think i can feel the symptoms are back after the 1st month i came to london.
now im already here for 5 months.
Hope you can help me out.
As-salam o allaikum!
My mother is getting far n far day by day from me. Some symptoms and hints in my dreams showed me that there is some black magic kind of thing.
Can you please tell me how can you help me.
are you located in pakistan? what is your aqeeda? and do you use quran purely to fix this problem.
i suffered for ten year i have been every hospital i just run to hospital ask them to give me some medicin .they asked me if i hear any voice?i have no idea what the doctor talking about.
then i fade up and left i have no hope but inside me i have the strength from alah i said to my self nothing can do me any harm while god is around me. but i was in great suffering
i don't realy blame so many people the commit sucide.
it is abiggest test i have witnesed.i don't go out meeting people,if there are people around me i sweat,panic i don't even know where to look or concentrate.
feel heavy to my shoulder,keep loosing my hair,headech like halle,my eyes sweale and red,like holding your tears,
so nerves,sex drive so high,i don' feel myself.as i used to..
so many times i cried alone i asked god to give me a clue.
then one day i heared my owen girle friend asked me about my feeling.i always said am fine never say i feel this and that.
so she get cought when she said that to me.
then i felt some thing for the last 10 years suffering.
there is devil playing around...
that was my wakeing time then i never stop searchinig cure for the black magic.never think any one can harm me.
so my messege is never give up alah will send all he can.
if you belive in alah you will never surrender to any thing.
Hi Amal,
I just want to know are you sure that you can remove voodoo/ black magic hex? I been to many people from all sects but all in vain. For last six years i spent alot of money with no result. According to me black magic could only be removed by black magic.
Salam wa alaikum,
I have read your articles on black magic and other evils. Are you based in Pakistan?
assalam alaikum
My name is mohiseena some amel told us that we have casted black magic
he removed that but it does not worked
now in my home any one of we 3 try to die
after some time we are not understanding why dispute has arrised and why we trid to die
and i am of 25 years no proposal is striking
that too i am not having any interest in marriage
why i dont know
comming to my mother she is suffering from many kind of diseases
she is of 45 she have lot of joint pain
she gets angry on silly things
that makes issue
and some things happens
comming to my father he is suffering from piles when amel gave us taveez for 2 months we spent happily now same issues are occuring
he dont have bussiness that risk he shows on usssss
please save us
I love your blog! :)
Assalma-0-alaikum bro i m victime of sex magic i did concern to a learned amil of ilm jafr and now i am recovered thanks to Allah subhana wa tala. i suffered my whole life since my childhood and i m still in very much pain due to remenents of magic please help by email or private msg i need your help may Allah bless you thankyou
r u amel or what? i need help from u... i have a problem.
A lady has black magic done to her to make her crazy. The Shaikh recites Ruqya.
Does the reciting of Quran by the Shaikh alone break the black magic, or is there an
"aamil, or amal" that should be done?? is there a difference?
I am in faisalabad, where are you living in pakistan?
I have to share you some thing but reply first.
i am wondering if u can help me i do i find out what is wrong with me i can not sleep feels like ants crawling under my skin my sister in law she is very against me and she has been going to some jadogar for taweez. last time i feel very ill was about to die cause of black magic i totally lost my senses and was possesed but through a alim i became fine. but i am having more problems sleeping now my body feels like i am in fire all the time i do not have a temprature but feels like something crawling under my skin. lately i found out that my sister in law has been going to some jadogar to do taweez. mhy own mom and dad have turned against me because she has also done something to them to please help. . .in the name of allah. how can all the majic she has done on me and my whole family can reverse back on her . she has made my life hell by going to jadogars and doing taweez on me and my husband too. can u help me
Asalamolaikum dear brother
I would like to know what kind of black magic has been done on me and my family. My mother has suffered from wierd pains for 21 years exactly and she is accutely aware of sehr being done on her. As a result we siblings are being affected by it too. Can you tell me a wazifa to get rid of this once and for all please?
I also want to know who done the magic on us, just so I am sure and will be cautious around that person.
ANY help appreciated,
Jazakakkallah and may Allah bless u and ur family.
Salam, Amel
My name is Farida and i came across a lot of useful information...So thanks you so much for that and may Allah reward you
for the goods you have shared with us....i have a quick question regarding the solution though..... you said to read
the Quran (Surah) you have mentioned there after each prayer.... but what if i read the Quran (Surah) over a gallon of water
and drink it every time after prayer is that just as good as reading it and rubbing it over the body after every prayer
Sir , we have been a continuous victum of jadu.After having dreams and other symptoms we went for the sollution but we were attacked again and again. Now even dont know k kis kis silsaly mian bundish hy but ik alim ny sirf itna confirm kia hy k bandish hy. can you please help us in this matter.
Dear Brother in Islam,
I’m a person who have been afflicted with repeating headache (feeling my head being heavy) and severe back-pain for long time now.
As well, the situation of being impatient at work i.e. keeping quitting the jobs with no good reasons; losing interest with my wife but having desire to meet other girls outside – (Alhamdu Lillah I managed to stop myself on doing Zinaa)
I have been suspicious of these troubles being caused by either Jinns or black magic, but not sure of any of these.
I am humbly requesting for a help to know the root cause of these troubles; and as well on what’s to do to get well.
By will of Allah Almighty, I am looking forward to receiving your nasiyha soon.
salam.im a 36 year old female from bangladesh. your website is very helpful,Alhamdulillah. but i dont feel confident whether i should perform these amal or not. im also confused which one i should do. i have the following history. please read with patience.
i used to live with my inlaws. it started after 6 years of my marriage.me and my husband frequently quarreling, suddenly i dont trust him , im frequently ill and continuous financial problem.
then me and my husband with one daughter moved to another house to live separately. i became severely ill. went to see an amil, not sure of what to believe. that amil dug tabeez from a graveyard and also from my inlaws house. both the tabeez were hindu thing. still the situation hasnt changed much. health, money quarreling goes on.
after one year i almost became paralysed. again dug another tabeez. my condition improved a little.now im diagnosed with a disease called myasthenia gravis which is a rare outoimmune disodrer. its a neuromuscular disease and not curable. i have to be on drugs forever. now im always tired, cant do heavy work, cant sleep, having bad dreams , financial crisis, relationship with my husband detoriating everyday.
im an practicing muslim.i read quran every morning and night, recite all ruqia ayatss, read manjil everyday, before sleep i recite all the dua along with last 10 ayah of sura baqarah.
but im afraid, im frequently under blackmagic as my condition not improving. now it seem i will loose my mind. only hope is Allah SWT.
what type of amal i can do to get rid of this magic, how can i be sure if im under magic, who did this to me. pls reply by explining hisar. i dont understand the arabic on yr site. will it be safe for me to perform? i dont want to harm the person who did this to me.pls help me.
Dear Amel Soname,
Salam Aleikum. I found your information online, and would like to request your help with spiritual healing.
My name is Marieme and I live in the US.
Please let me know what best way to communicate for you.
aslam alikom brother
how are you ? allah save and keep you and your family.
im mohammed .i study in malaysia and im so tired .i always cant answer my exams when i answer them.i feel headach or dizzy .sometimes i cry .now im here in malaysia one year i cant sleep at night ,
plz plz plz ,can i know place to help me and cure me from this
allah always with you
hi.i just want to know if you do readings?i have been feeling strange for some time and i skeptical if its magic by someone who i suspect it is?
im facing hardship and with the help of Allah swt i do need your help.
I knwo this guy for 8 years and we do love each other very much...we got enaged in 2006 and because of his mom not liking me we got seperated. But the love we had for each ohter didnt allow us to stay apart. We got back together and we want to get married . I so want to become a good muslimah/wife/mother, but his mom still disagrees. She told him if he ever marry me, she will disown him.
Please help!
Asaalamu Alaikum,
I am 34 years old woman and am divorced. I had a forced marriage 10 years ago and was not happy. My husband left last year. Now I am trying to find a new husband. It is very difficult for me to find a good man for marriage. I think somebody has done black magic on me. Could you please tell me if it is possible to remove this black magic. Please pray that I find a good husband.
i dont know where to begin,i think i have been affected by Shir.
this has been going on for years,this is is some of my symptoms
-Extremely feeling bored most of the times
-Having intention to do things (to go to job, or doing works in home etc)
But at last for some reason cannot do. Sometimes because of getting
bored or illness.
- Incorporation from others in everything.
-Loosing finance and all hope of living.
- headache`s
Everything i do or try to do seems like it`s blocked.
Shukran for any assistance u can give.
as salamalikum ... My name is sameera and I am from mumbai and I have converted to sunni islam . My husband was very loving towards me and his business picked up very well suddenly he started making friends on blackberry messenger and I feel one of his female friends has done magick on him so that we start fighting And he shd leave me . I have checked with one amil . He even did some padaeyi on my husband but it doesn't seem to be working . My husband refuses to believe dat his so called dear friend has done it on him . Is der any way I can come to know if it is her or anyone else done anything . And how to break it . I live in mumbai india
I try to read my 5 times namaz and also do other dhkir and khatam and also why his business suddenly started suffering so much ... Plz help .
Dear Brother Amel,
Please be kind enough to have me cured from all types black magic which is now bankrupting me and affecting my children as well . My name is Faris, Please help me and help us all it is very urgent . May Allah bless you always for it. Jazakallah Khair........regards Faris
salamualiakum dis is absara from bangladesh i saw ur web site so i wanna ask sum ques n after dat hope u can solve ma prob is it free or i need 2 pay?.1st ans ma ques i luv 1 boy whos nam is iqtassad is dat boy suitable 4 me he is gud or not??he did black mgic on me or normally i luv him???plzz tell me.
I came across your writing on the internet.
Jazakallah for this particular article for breaking the spell of quran May Allah reward you for your efforts and help the Muslims.
Thank You,
I came across to your site where you were discussing about jadu, nazar, bandish etc..... and was going through the symptoms. I was wondering if you are capable to knowing/finding that out. Something has been done on me which has been confirmed for which my brain forget things A LOT and when I want or getting ready to do one thing, I end up doing something stupid like at work inregards to paperworks which leads to severe issues later on, also my anger gets raised for no reason, EVERY person who looks at me dislikes me, and strange odor I smell even soon after I come out of fresh shower, and EACH and EVERY work for which I make intention of completing it with inshallah at the ends gets delayed for abnormal reasons.
What's been confirmed by an aalim is something has been done....but am in a different country so that aalim had said it can only be cured in person. Can you provide some guidance on how I can find out who's doing this through dreams perhaps and a way to stop or slow down the effects that are taking over my mind.
Jazakallah Khair
Salam, Brother
I'm Munisa and i think my family and I might be victims of black magic...so what do i need to do...
is there a victims sheet i need to fill out ?......if so pls send it to me thanks...
Brother I am from the UK.. Aur I need help. Are you a peer who can help me.
I am in need of a jadoo that can break an unlawful relationship. Please.
Thank You
I have lot of body pain leg pain sleeping problem and loosing muscles. I believe a lot in quaranic hearings. Please advice and help me
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