I got your e-mail contact from the Audarya-fellowship forums.
I am e-mailing to ask for your advice about help against black magic.
My name is Ranen and I live in New Zealand with my mother.
We are originally from South Africa, where there is lot of black magic performed by African Muslims.
We have had many problems from these people due to jealousy from relatives.
Problems with health, job, my education, all parts of our lives and with jinns.
As I am Hindu and not well versed in recitation of Quran.
Do you know if there is a strong taweez that we can wear, to keep with us for protection ?
Or are you able to direct us to anyone who can help us ?
I would greatly appreciate your help and advice.
Thank you,
sallamz can I asked you one q? what is tha taqseer thingy about two ppls like one merd and oret love each other and how to do that taqseer can u please tell me about it thakx
As Salam Walekum
I have gone through your blog I have a question for you is there any way to find out if a person he or she has been struck by balck magic and how quickly a person can find out.
I would appreciate your reply.
Dear Brother,
Assalaam O Alikium. Our family really needed you help. I think we have
been affected with Black Magic for the past couple of years. I prayed
over this. Now we are getting worst in life where we are looking all
our money and coming to an end where this week we will not have
anything to live on. Please help us to break this. We are located in
Canada. Please call us if possible or email us. Please we really
appreciate if you can help us out this situation. We really needed
help ASAP. Thank you.
My sister husband ran away with some other married woman now her husband divorse her he does not tell where he is but we heard he is in saint louis messorie . he has gone for seven month now my sister has sevev years old son and he does not have any contact. some one told it hapened cause of black magic my sister name is Sadia Rubab and my mother name is Kaneez Fatima her husband name is Jafer Raza and his mother name is Mubashera Bano . and my sister live in california usa . It seams like a love story but on the other hand i am suffering too i have the same situation at my home my husband live in the same house but no relations he hates me fight with me involve with gambling and blame every bad thing on me just like my brother in law that our fault. i am facing hardship in every matter financially we are broke living in fears no hope for lives my name is Sajida my mother name is Kaneez Fatima my husband name is Muhammad Farooq and his mother name is Sughra bagham please tell me how you can help me is this black magic and what you can do for us
waiting for your response may allah rewords you for helping us
Dear sir,
I have read your posts on the blogger about black magic i would like to know more. I would love to have a conversation with you. where r you located do u have aphone number?
Assalaam Alaikum
I was recently on a webiste which was explaining effects of black magic. I know I have had it done on me ... but everywhere I go, I cannot find any help to help me and my family. I have recited my story so many times that i am fed up of complaining about the numerous problems i am having. I just dont know what to do! The worst thing is that i was holding on and managing to get through somehow but now that my salah is being attacked, I am at a complete loss. I notice that when i read salah, I get affected more than if I was not to read ..... May Allah SWT forgive me. I should never have tried to help people by telling them that if it was not for prayer then i would have gone crazy because now my prayer is gone.
Would you be able to help me? If you need money, unfortunately I cannot afford anything because i am sure you will find out ... this is also one of the ways in which I am being attacked. I would love to find out who the people are and what i can do to stop them so that I can defend myself. And of course how i can rid myself of this magic so that i can lead a more successful and healthy life.
Thank you for your time
hiii sir this is shahvez here i read ur blogs about black magic which creates problem in smeone life. sir actlly me and my family has some spells over us and we asked from some alim he told us that u have got some magic over u and it is done by some one so sir we need ur help desperately if u can give us ur contact no we can directly talk to u
I really need to speak to you urgently. Inshallah you may be the key to doing some of Allahs good work, a family i know is in need of help and i am looking for someone to guide me i feel you have the knowledge if not to help but to guide me in the right direction.
PLease get in touch with me urgently!!!!
My family has been suffering from black magic spells. I have been trying to find answers and ways to rid my family of these spells and came across your various blogs.
Could you please help me find ways to get rid of the black magic spells and evil jinhs? I am not muslim and cannot read or understand urdu or the quran. I would appreciate if you could help me understand and guide me towards getting rid of the spells and jinhs.
Hope to hear from you soon and thanking you in anticipation
Dear brother
Thank you very much for sharing the world of jinn and the treatment also the amal one should do to get cured from the black spell of the magician no one had ever explained to me how magic works as you have done.
May the Aalimighty Allah bless you and you family for helping us. I myself a marriedmuslim sister victim of black magic but alhamdulila I have suffered a lot during the past still my family members are hurting us by reading the holy quran and doing rokiya i pray that we all get cure insha Allah.
May I ask you brother if you have any amal to send the spell of the magician on the paymaster or an amal to make my relative stop going to sorcerer.
I would be grateful if you reply to me. Could you please tell me brother how does the rouhani help people are they called rijal ul ghaib. Are the rouhabi angels.
Jazakallah khair
May Allah reward you in both world
i am not able to pursue my education for the past uears, i have constant pain all over my body and no doctor can cure, i have started gaining weight and after all the possible attempts i am not able to lose a single kilo, i feel depressed all the time, i have suicide thoughts all the time, nobody wants to be friends with me, every body becomes my enemy, bad people become my friend, everybody becomes my enemy and want to harm me always i feel i cannot become successful in life, i have slowly started losing all my money i am not able to study, my relatives also do not befriend me, i see sexual dreams and horror dreams in the night, i feel bloatinees and heaviness in the body
its been 7 years may be m facing problms i used to be so beautiful now ma fae turning black ma studies ruined everything i lost plz help me m only 22 nd i think my whole life gonna belike this or m gonna die nd love is giving me pain the guy loves me buh there is a something i cant understand stoping us to be together i swear i wil worship yu if yu do this task i mean if yu get me ma love back my life back ma money and everythin i desrve back plz help me
Hello dear friend.
I want to break black magic that was done on me. Can unpleased help me ? Everything is awful in my life.
Please let me know if you can help me.
I got engaged to a girl. We started talking, and got very attached with each other... but due to some minor confusion her parents broke the engagement... i tried to reconcile a few times, but all my efforts ended up going in vain... I like the girl very much and want to marry her at any cost... I was wondering if you can do something to remove the blockages and negativity in our relationship and help us re-unite.
Moreover, i want to figure out the root cause of the problem that caused our relationship to break...I was wondering if you can help me identify the girl's thinking.. whether she still likes me or not...is she still interested in marrying me etc... and her family's thinking, their fears & concerns... so that i can remove their confusions and give them satisfactory assurances.
i have recently engaged to my cousin . But after engagement his atitude towards me has been changed. and was start repelling him.
Somebody told me that may be some magic is involved.
i have some symptoms: backache, headache, nausea, feeling tired, seeing blood, dead bodies in my dreams, pimples, itching on my legs and leaving red spots, sometimes sexual desires... i dont know what is happening..i am very upset... can you tell me are these the symptoms of magic????
Respected Sir,
I am a woman of 38 yrs who has had a very miserable married life for eight years and have a girl child who is nine years old.
A man by the name my boyfriend came into my life showing love and sympathy at first i explained him what he was wanting is
wrong since I was married and have a child but he still continued with the relation,my married life was becoming miserable
day by day as my husband was toturing me mentally evry single day was like a night mare to me.Gradually ,I fell in deep
love with my boyfriend and we came very close and got into physical relationship number of times.I,got a divorce with my husband
recently as my life was totally hell with him with the hope that my boyfriend would marry me and give me a new life.
My husband has also taken away my child and i will never get her custody,i am left all alone now.my boyfriend too has betrayed me
and got marrried according to his parents wishes.I, had told his father and brother about our deep relation before his marraige
but nothing worked out for me.I am totally left alone now and my life is in a mess.my boyfriend too has cheated me and is himself
now enjoying his married life.
Sir, please help me punish my boyfriend and make his life miserable now.I,want you to break his relation with his wife and punish his
family member's.I want them to suffer day and night and destroy their home,i want you to make his wife infertile so that she can
never be pregnant.Only becoz of him i have lost my child as my husband saw his messages which he had send to me.I,desperately
want his brother to loose his job and want you to make my boyfriend very sick with your magical powers so that he too gets bed ridden
and cannot go to work.I want you to make his wife a prostitute so that their husband wife relatipn becomes a mess.Please punish
him for messing up my life.Hoping anxiously that you will help me fight against injustice nad waiting for a steady reply from your end.
hello brother,My father has the same symptoms. He thinks about death,and he is always depressed. My father cant sleep at all either. All day, he just thinks about him dying, and whats going to happen to him. His health is perfect, but still. Its going on for 3 months now. Can you please tell me what my father should read, and why is this happening to him. Please reply ASAP. Thank you so much.
can you please tell me how to do the amal also. How many times should we read the surahs, and the duas?
salamz. I Have been suffering blackmagic since yearz and no one seems to want to help me.i have one person helping me but even hes giving up. That prayer for blackmagic i down loaded it but i wont dare play it, is it arabic? I Am a muslim girl and my family mum, younger sister are going through a deaf, dumb and blind stage. I Realy dont know if u could how can i trust u, alot of people hav betrayed me. Please tel me what i should do. Khudafis.
Could you please tell me which Surah I should read to bring my husband back? We got in to a fight a month ago and he packed his things and left. I know people in his family have done black magic on both of us before. I am not sure if this is a new one ( spell) or the same one that has just gotten stronger I can feel it I swear I feel very different then I use to and my husband is going crazy I know they are very jealous of him and want him to go back to Pakistan so they can kill him. I know my husband loves me very much but right now he hates me and even hates his mom and hes such a mammas boy so that is very strange for him. Please tell me what I can read in the Quran to help us both and fix our marriage and bring him back I am very worried about him. My Quran is wrote in both english and arabic your help would be very much appreciated.
ASSALMUALAKUM Respected amel sahib,
my naME IS (MOHSIN) and i belong to jammu &kashmir. i want to know more oabout this shit knonw as kala alim(black magic).. AS i was or still am suffering from it from the last 5 yrs. and my parents never knew that black magic is done to uor house here in jammu .. the symptoms i will tell were like this-
i gave mee hard tim during my studies - whenever i had fair good in exams i never usedto get good marks
i easily used to forget what i have learned
there were constent fights in our house without any reasons
i dont used to goo back to my house bcos when i used tocome back there i used to get depresed,feel and anexiety
i body tempt used to run high
there was constent rapid heart beat and fear of unknown -i used to think like this i will have a heart
Salaam, By the grace of Allah can you please help me. NOTHING is easy or right for me I am a divorced mother with 3 children. father,brother, and sister all hate me I dont know why as the wont speak to me.I am in debt as i cannot get a job i have thyroid and low platlett problems I want to sleep all the time when i do force myself and get out i get such a strong feeling that i want to come home and go to sleep.I have a bad memory and its getting worse that sometimes I cannot explain myself to anyone.i have difficulty in talking to people. in the past i have gone to imaam and they said that i have had jadoo done on me for a long time and they have wanted me to pay them to much money.I worry I will die and burden my children with debt.I cannot tell you how difficult it is that every thing i touch seems to go wrong.everyone i love end up hating me. only my children left...how long will it be before they start to hate me. it is Eid on wednesday and i have nothing to give them. In the past i have worked 2 jobs long hours to support them I would do it again if i could get a job and had the energy to do so. all ramadan i have been praying for Allah Tallah to help me and tonight by chance i came across your site. EID MUBBARAK to you and your family. hope to hear from you soon,I will pay you a reasonable payment if required. Jazakallah
Asalaamu Alaykum Aamil
I am good muslim girl that need help
desperately Insha Allah. I read my namaaz and always try to be good
but I fallen inlove with non muslim boy. Atsagfirullah may Allah help
me and forgive me. I think he did jadoo to me because I am always
crying and very very unhappy and try to get away from him so many
times but it feel like he has strong hold on me. When I tell him to go
I feel like I am going to get anxiety. I just want this feelings to go
away and I want to feel nothing for him. Insha Allah I want to meet
good muslim boy that is good match for me to get married. Please give
me very strong Quran ayah to help me immediately Insha Allah I don't
want to feel like this I want to forget him and want this feeling must
go. Please give me advice.
Jazakallah khair. I hope Aamil can give me good advice soon. I also
want to stay unknown please.
Fi Amanillah
I heard much about you and alhamduilah the treatment you provide to the ignorant who are victims' and the ultimate suffers of the black magic . May ALMITHY ALLAH give u hidaya and shower HIS blessings all muslim ummat .(AMEEN)
Am suffering from ace /pimples on my face ,so what amal through Quran shall i recite to get rid of pimples .please guide and help me . i shall be greatful to you .
sallam sir
i am looking for cure from black magic
she hides my under pants and tea shirts and they often go missing for months.
I often feel polly and have headaches.
she has all the money and i don't have any money.
it has been known to me that she does magic from various sources on me.
she commits adultery (going out with other men) and i am looking for another wife but can't find one because of magic spells.
can you help please so that i can break this magic for ever and any duaa for me to read as well so that next time she does magic then i can protect myself
i have a question.I was diagnosed to have black magic a year ago, multiple ones actually by a older woman who saw that in a book, i don't remember her asking my mothers name, but she asked mine and she had this thin book where she saw it.And she gave me a letter to put it in water and to drink it.I asked a friend of mine to read it since she knows arabian and she said its ayats from the Quran and names of Allah. I drank it and i cried and paniced a lot and than my friend told me to do ruqia and i did, i drank olive oil and i through up a lot and i had lots of movements in my body.This happened one year ago, now Elhamdulilah i feel fine except for example wen i read Ayetul Kursi 100 times, my legs feel stretched and i stil have some movements under my skin, but comparing to last year their intensity is much smaller.I did ruqia for 5 or 6 times and i started to pray but not regulary and read the Quran in my language and Elhamdulilah i feel much better but i still feel this movement because for a year now i play Sura Bekara and other duas wen i go to sleep.What is concerning me is that during the time i was obsessed with this problem of mine last year it was Ramadan and we went to see a man and he asked my mothers name and he had this tesbihs and he said i have an orthodox jinn that remained in my body from a sihr that was done to me and my family and he is maried to me and he wont let me marry anyone human .And i really had a six year relationship and i did'nt want to marry.i acted like a maniac not to marry, and one night i was asleep and Sura Bekara was playing and i felt it, it was so real, but it was a dream , i don't know, something pressed my body and breathed in my neck and in my sleep i started to recite Ayetul Kursi and it went away and i woke up!!I don't know what to think but i am determined not to panic because i believe in Allah and i am not scared by anyone but Him.But this damn thing gets on my nerves very much.Do you have any idea, how can i get rid of this jinn,magic or i don't know what?
Gud day Sir,
sir,I am not Muslim but eagerly seeking for solution.For past 7years i am suffering from stomach pain.I went for medical check up but all the result driven was good.Later my family took me to some temples and finally said someone did black magic towards me but,no one can cure it.They said it's difficult to remove cause the black magic have mix with food and i has eaten it so its terribly attached in my stomach.All the attempts aborted.I could feel that there's something moving from right to left hand sight and squeezing.During that moment i could felt the pain and no words to describe it.Further, my stomach gets bigger and bigger and everyone start to asked me am i pregnant since i am not married yet.I am not deserve a happiest life.Always suffer from pains and i am extremely hope that u can help me out of this.
I really need to get rid of this.Please reply me and help me to get rid of this.Thank you.
In the Name of Allah SWT please help me.
I have been told that I have had jadoo done on me for a long time and therefore it will be expensive to break,
Please can you help me as I am getting in deeper in debt and have lost all my family, my father hates me and i dont know why as he wont even talk to me now in the fear of losing my children.
it seems as if i have been cursed nothing works out for me,
looking at your site on symptoms I have 33 out of 52 also my memory is getting bad, I have thyroid problem and low platlett count and making my self more ill through all the worry.
I know you must be very busy helping a lot of people, please help me also, I have no one to turn to, Allah SWT has guided me to you so please find the time to help me.
Assalam alekum,
Me & my husband r suffering a lot in our daily life & we have a doubt that my mother is doing it because being a hindu I got married to a muslim. Now I have also got converted & our life is hell we r suffering health wise, our business is almost going to shut, there r notices on my husbands name & there r many people whom we need to pay also, & our business is also not moving forward... Our life is hell... Plz help us or else we will die...
i am officially married for last seven years and sepearted for 5 years and have two children. in this last seven years my husband dint take any of our responsibility and never even cared for me or my children. i struggled so much for my children alone and he always created problems for me and my children now i am divorcing him . while in my five years of seperation, last year my sister introduced me to somone for marriage and i liked him a lot as he is religious and really nice man who is also divorced. due to some misunderstanding he went away and i want to marry him badly........... please give me any taweez , wazifa, reading surah or any amal that i can do to bring him back to me...i want strong amal.......i have very few information about him
Dear Sir,
I will not take much of your time so will discuss my case shortly.
1. There is one person in our relatives that do magic. Everyone know about it. We all are not in good relations with him and do not see his face.
2. The problem that I believe everyone in my home is suffering from his magic.
3. My father had blood spots in his clothes and he is very angry and remains very quiet these days, my mother always feel headaches and feels pain in her whole body including her feet, I am very weak (skinny) and my friends make fun of me sometimes and I often feel pain in my chest like as if i am suffering from heart attack, my younger brother has a stomach problem and suffering from intense constipation for the last three to four months and doctor says he has a problem with his liver and he is now on medication, my elder sister these days with no reason fight with parents and she also gives Gali to them. She hate both mother and father. she sometimes like to throw Quran on the floor and she has started hating Islam. She is also not getting married and now she is 30 years old.
4. on two occasions we found taweez with pins on it wrapped in a pieces of cloths and also some writing when we opened it.
What shall I do. Please help me with the guidance of Allah so that our lives come to normal. Most importantly how can we stay protected from that evil person who will never stop doing this magic.
I am very disturbed. We have tried to contact several people regarding this issue but so far no cure at all. this thing is only getting worst.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Salaams brother and eid mubarak,
please can you inform me do you have any amals i can do to break bandish? also can you inform me amal to destroy nazar.
please remeber me in duas,
Dear Amel,
Can you please check and let me know if someone did black magic on me or not. I am under pressure for the last couple of months.
Waiting for your reply.
Dear brother,
i read some of your advices to peole on how to get rid of the devil using the holly quran,
I need you help, i want to tell you my story
thank you, and God bless you
Hi ,
i stay in bangalore.
i went to a astrologer 2 years back and now i suspect that he has done black magic on me..
These are the things he did.
1> he asked money saying that some pooja has to be performed
2> i gave the money
3> he told pooja is over and gave me some prasad...
4> he gave me some powder like substance and asked me to eat with food...and give him back the remaining powder
5> then the remaining powder he put it on a street where 3 roads cross.... and made me cross that without looking behind
6> he gave me some water and asked me to take bath in that
7> he gave me one stone to keep in house and took it back the next day.. and kept it himself
Please reply if u think it was black magic
Respected Sir,
I looked at your page today about removal of black magic. I read the whole passage. I have been suffering from almost all symptoms you mention on the page. e.g I feel heavy pain in shoulders, back, chest, neck. I don't want to do bad things like sex, laying, abusing, etc but I am forced to do these thing. these symptoms occur about 18 months ago and increasing day by day. actually I went to UK for higher studies, the day when I left Pakistan these problem starts chasing me. I could not survive there and came back to my country after wasting my money, time and everything. I did lot of treatment. I went to doctors, baba jee but couldn't find any cure of that. I am very very hopeless and dis heart person this time. please Allah bless you with happiness do something for me.
If you want to know anything else from me please don't hesitate to ask.
sir I'm an eighteen year old teenager and all my life I've been under the influence of black magic as I believe. I've had a very difficult and tough childhood, during which my little brother was diagnosed with asthama and fell sick every other day mainly because my father's relatives used to perform black magic on us.In 2006 my taya's daughter came to live with us for college.She and I stayed on the 2nd floor of the house. When she was staying with us a lot strange incidents began to happen with me and my family. My vision blurred, my hair started to fall out and my height stopped to increase.My little brother and another cousin of mine( from mom's side,the other one hated her because she was really pretty) who was staying over were both diagnosed with typoid and my mother found certain taweez from her belongings. My mom's being a very pious women,consulted our moulvi saab and found a cure. We forced our taya's daughter to leave and things began to settle down but I was never the same person again.Whenever our relatives would show up at our house,they'd throw a taweez somewhere around the place.My mom was aware of their intentions and she mostly found them lurking around in some corner.She would dispose them in any running water body as told. My older borther and I've been brilliant students,I was an outstanding student until my taya's daughter came to live with us. My brother aced his O'levels with straight A's but after that when my relatives got to know things went terribly wrong. His A'Level grades were horrible and he didn't meet his conditional requirement for lums. The very same year I didn't get my expected O'level grades. I was a potential straight A candidate.Later I repeated the two subjects the ones I had B's in and got A*s in the next session with out even studying half as much. My bother took a year off and secured places in several top universities in the united states and got a world distinction.
I doubt my relatives knew we were repeating our academic pursuits.Last year, I developed very strong anxiety feeling and realized I could no longer control my composure. I can't describe the feeling in words, it still preceeds to this day and keeps on indicating that something really bad is about to happen and then it eventually it does. It's a similar feeling to the one you've described in your blog,where your heart beat increases without any reason. Ever since I came across that feeling,I've experienced the worst situations of my life. Recently I was diagnosed with increased hyper intercranial pressure. That nagging feeling stops me from performing my best in exams.My A'level grades were bad. I don't know how I could those grades and I lost my offer from lums. Everything has turned upside down in my life. My eye-sight is continuing to deteriorate although no one in my my family wears glasses,not even my far,distant relatives. My brother did not perform academically well at uni and he's been dismissed recently. My relatives nearly 'died' when they found out that my brother was attending one the best universities in the states.Also before this incident and till now ,I've been hearing very low humming voices late at night as if somebody is reciting something in a woman's voice.Things have gone bitter for us were as for my taya's family everything's become a lot better. My taya's drug addicted son's married and found a job at last.He had a son recently which looks nothing like his mom and dad but resembles my grandpa.They've become financially well off.My taya's daughter who used to curse us is married to a very nice man(personally I think she never deserved such a good husband) and returned from a world tour last month. The other two daughter's which practiced magic are doing well too. I know it is Allah who decides what we deserve and He is all knowing an does what is best. But yet all these things happening at the same time seem too dubious. My mom's been experiencing health problems over the past 2 years too.Namely, vertigo,migrane and others in a very random order.They strike out of the blue. My grand mother and mom and very religious and I think I've inherited the same characteristics. I've been very close to Allah all my life and I've felt a very deep connection with Him.Praying used to be meditation for me but now when I pray or Say God's name abusive words come to my mind out of nowhere and I think it's not me whose saying those words. The sound of aazan makes me feel uncomfortable and I've stopped praying so I no longer feel that connection with God. I need to know whether all of this is still happening because of my relatives and though, we rarely ever meet them except on a few ocassions, are they still performing black magic on us? One of my Taya's helpers once told my mom that my taya's wife used to visit a peer near faisalabad very often. If it's magic, how should I resolve the problem and get my normal life back?
Your help will be most acknowledged and I will always remember you in my prayers.
I am suffering from stomach problems from last 8 months. I am getting continuously burps and my chest & throat is tight(feel blocked) from last 8 months. Sometimes i feel pain in my upper stomach and sometimes lower stomach. I got medicine from many doctors, the medicine effects some in first few days, but after that medicine effect nothing. All the day I feel pain in my body, bodyache, loss of vision, sometimes feel hot and cold, back pain, Dark circles below eyes, some hair fall also. All body are not under my brain and my brain is not working properly. I got weight loss also and my stomach is going inside Even I take too many things and my legs and arms becomes very slim, this thing does not happen in my life. This is strange. Actually, the person that is doing kala jadoo on me going everyday to jaddugar.
Please tell me remedie to get rid out of this kala jado. I shall be very thankful to you.
I seek your guidance making people understand what love is, her parents are pressurizing her and not agreeing with her. can you help please.
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