In this type of magic, there is sudden pain between both the hemispheres of the brain, and also some lump forms there and the body temperature rises.
And the brain feels severely painful and the doctors recommend surgery and the surgery can only temporarily help with the lump and pain. I am writing down a solution to help with breaking this kind of magic.
Take roghan balsan and blow sura ankibot 11 times with it, before and after 11 times darood on it. and massage it on your head every day and night for 21 days. and recite the following ayaat 21 times.
قَالُوا حَرِّقُوهُ وَانصُرُوا آلِهَتَكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ فَاعِلِينَ ﴿٦٨﴾ قُلْنَا يَا نَارُ كُونِي بَرْدًا وَسَلَامًا
and recite ya mokhsetu 300 times and darood before and after 11 times. and blow it on water. and drink it day and night in 3 breaths. reciting "BISMILLAH SHAFI WA NAJEYATEHIL SAAHER AL SEHAR BEHAKA YA MOKSETU " for 21 days.
قَالُوا حَرِّقُوهُ وَانصُرُوا آلِهَتَكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ فَاعِلِينَ ﴿٦٨﴾ قُلْنَا يَا نَارُ كُونِي بَرْدًا وَسَلَامًا
write this ayat with zafran and mushk and after ablution and facing the kibla. and recite the said ayat on it 71 times and blow it and then fold this verse and tie it on your head. it will cure your problem.
Amel soname contact
Dear Sir,
I am Naqash Amjad living in Lahore i got your blog during my search on www.google.com that " How to break Black Magic". Problem is that me and our Family are badly attacked with Black Magic. I wanna discuss with you please email me your cell number , our family badly attacked with black magic and destroying everyone with Black Magic is common in our family now we can feel this. But please do contact me i will tell you every thing clearly through phone call.
Brother I read a couple of your articles on the net on "Black Magic" stuff and Mashallah they all were informative. JazakAllah Khair for sharing.
Brother, I wanted to know if you know of any methods that would help a person to diagnoise whether the illness is a result of Magic, Possession, Evil eye or a Medical disorder and also how could one know what kind of magic one is affected with and the number of jinns involved to infect a victim.
Allah Hafiz
Please give me your Mobile Number
I am very much worried about my mother, she suffered from Blood Anemia (KHOON KI KAMI) from the last two years. All tests are cleared and normal. She is Sugar Patient but sugar is under controlled, Blood pressure is under controlled. Doctors says that she has problem in large intestine and my be it is due to Ulcerative Colitus that's why her blood hemoglobin becoming low. She is taking Iron supplement but after few days she feels abdmominal pain and Diohera and she discountiue the iron for few days.
She is feeling weekness day by day as she is Anemic Patient. Please check her status thru ISTEKHAARA. IS Some one did Jadoo or Sifli on her
hi friend i am prakash i have some problem in my life . so risently i am read your scrb in net are you asking about the black maygic if you dpnt mind i have some problem can i will shair you . bcz
this type matyar si cant shair oters bcz anyone not bilive me
pleazse please please.......................................................
i need a help
plz tell me how can i conect u
i read about black magic cure through quran verses that you posted i have few questions..appreciate if u clarify
1.what is meaning of leaves of bare(is that mean any kind of leaf?)
2.at the end u have mention to boil water in two parts,one part with the leaves from which u take bath what to do with second part?
3.can u please suggest me a stronger and faster way of curing myself from black magic.
i m going through severe problems past few years...but it has become worse last nine months...
i have lost my job.....my finances...my health...and i m facing too many problems...that i feel defeated.
i look forward to your help.
jazakallah khair
During the past few years in our family we have been facing problems one after the other and all were so serious that we have still not been able to get out of them.Kindly do an istakhara and find out if its some reason Allah is angry with us or is it some magic,
My father used to be employed in Dubai,he lost his job and has been unemployed ever since,My mother has been teaching to support us.my eldest sister when got married she had to go through a baby miscaraige and then a gas explosion which burnt both her and her husband severely.My father had to go through a major by-pass and has recently been detected of cancer(for which he has gone through a treatment).My second sister is married but not yet at best understanding with her husband.My brother is so intellegent but he has not been able to make his career progress.No matter how much effort we put into our lives we are not getting the results.PLease respond ASAP.i am afraid what will be my future?
brothers have faith in ALLAH jalla jalaaluhu ,offer prayers sincerely 5 times daily,recite the holy QURAAN regularly & try to understand the meanings, pray to allah he will guide u .
as any harm r benefit is caused only by the order of ALLAH.
This is Mumtaz.. Pl. contact me once you get my email. My neice is in USA for three months. And I think there is something wrong here.
asalam alaekum,
hello mr brother in islam,
asalam aleikum, i really aprreciate all ur effort in helt get ride of the shaytan and it followers, may Allah (swt) shower his mercy upon you.
please my brother, amil, i have been in victims of this black magician effect since last two years.
it goes like having dreams of forceharm woman or woman forcin me to. it always occurs in a week like 2 to 3 times(week) which usaully be 3 days interval as i noticed. when it lately in midnite and about to happen or occur when sleepin, i will just experience being hold down, ny whole body will be seize, if i try to uttered a word, i wont be able, move any part of my body all the same, even change position. so the next thing i would experience is ejaculation without dreaming and sometimes it my came like dreaming until released i could be able to wake my body will now come back to earth.
so i have seen one imam about it , he told me that is the spell of witch that they donot want me to bear a child so that it could result in low sperm count. he gave me some prayer after i began the prayer, i see some changes which it occur like once a week instead of 2 or 3 times, but the dua is just for some days when i completed it all is still as.
so i want a prayer that could cure evry and furthermore if it going to occur that night my mind will tells me and i wil try not to slepp that night, i will escape that day so the following day no matter how i try not to sleep it will hold me down so dat it must happens. and when soever it happen i didnt get bath in morning my whole body will be dull and weaknened. so pklease my brother kindly help me cause all we have some (imam) just to tell lie becuase they poses this black magic.
I have 5yrs old son who is facing blood cancer problem since last 2yrs and he is still under treatment and it will take more then one yr more.
After that up to 5yrs follow up is there.
Now I have above Dh 150000 (one hundred fifty thousands UAE Dh) loan and I’m facing to much difficulties in life and I’m not understanding how I will handle these difficulties. Some time I have don’t have money for food because every moth I’m paying loandand medication and traveling to hospital. pleae hel
please what is your phone number and where are you based.
Dear Sir,
My name is Ahmed.I will appreciate if you can tell me how people know about someone through holy Quran. Example: how the person is, what he is thinking, does he/she love someone etc. if you can show me the way i will be greatful to you.
I am married. but my marriage life is not good and my financial status is also not good, I have a kid I want to ask you something whether, I am troubled by some black magic against me and my wife and upon my work and financial status.
Myself and my wife will be fighting with one or the other silly reasons, she do not like my mother, my elder brother wife their kids, She blames me for going to my mother house, meeting her, I am staying separately with my wife and kid but then too she has not changed her behaviour against me and my family members.
my questions:
1. whether my wife and myself will be fighting all our life for every simple reason or we both are the victims of black magic.
2. Whether my finacial status will not improve in my whole life or there is chances that my financial status will improv.
3. why my wife does not like my mother, my brother wife, and to me also, it is possible that my wife likes all of them.
Salaam my name is sajida the problem is that since 7 yrs i cant get on with my husband when he walks in the house i get so angry Allah forgive me i dont know what happens we dont sit in the same room becs i try to avoid him always i dont like talking or feeding him the truth is we have no relationship left ,
also i have my children could u please check them becs i have heard they are affected with black magic and after reading ur web i know inshallah u will help , why my husband say he cant breath at night and he sees black shadows in his room his always angry swearing always hot headed doesnt do work good in school he has his exams but doesnt care .
my son is not getting anywhere in life i dont know what is wrong with him his young but he doesnt motivate and what ever he does goes wrong he started a business it all went down and now we have so much depth to pay back but we have no money . could u also see my son he doesnt get along with anyone swears all the time and always is angry my husbands business is not running at all its so difficult to provide money for household we are in so much depth i dont know what is going on all of a sudden last year everything has been going wrong the police have said we are money laundering when we have no money its like someone is causing problems the children are in trouble by police its to much more can u please find out what is going on . thank u
I request you to please read my letter.
I believe in god the one and only.
I got your site while searching for symptoms of black magic and come out of it with the help of Kuran e Pak.
Unfortunately, I dont know to read arabic( I dont know Hindi or Urdu also).
Withe god's grace i reached your page.
Kindly help me. If I disturbed you..plese excuse me.
when i was young i accused someone of wrongdoing which was true. i am very sure those persons have done something on me for the whole of my life time which has affected the quality of my professional and personal life to a significant degree. yet, i am hopeful from Allah that he will help me find a cure and shower his blessings on me.
are you willing to listen and help me ?
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
The case is, there is a hindu lady who is doing black magic on muslims. She was first married a hindu, has a 14 yr girl, then she trapped a muslim, converted and married him. But we are she is munafiq and her conversion is just to fool around.
While she was married to this muslim man , within two months she trapped another muslim from this same area. This person must have sympathized for her as she started spreading rumours that the earlier muslim deceived her, left her. She asked the imam to speak to her husband and he said to the Imam the woman is not good.
Moreover, she is spreading unislamic rituals to muslim girls who are 30+ showing wrong ways to get married. She is misguiding them and says although is haraam but the realistic approach to life is to live-in with men. She says Keep fast (rozas) on Tuesday and Friday, and also dont talk on these days to anybody. Use sign language. On these days, cut lemon and rub them on body, put them in black cloth, throw them in a well,river,lake. Take black thread and put knot each days and keep it in Quran and pray to Allah you get so and so person.
Based on this we are convinced that she is doing black magic.
We have been doing lots of duas that Allah correct the affairs of all muslim families and save us from the munaafiqeen. We are worried that muslim families have been affected and she has separated these muslim men from their parents and created infighting between them.
May Allah reward you for your efforts for helping muslims
assalamo alayakum wale kum salam,
brother i feel that i am sufferinng from black magic, my situation is worst it is only because of Allah and Imaan and parents dua i am alive, I am from the holy blood of Huzur s a w, i m saiyed, please give me any amal which can cure black magic in 1 or 3 days
Amel assalamoo-alaikoom,
I am from South Africa. My son, I have been told by three different people, has been affected by jadoo. He cannot function normally, he has severe brain trouble. Is it possible for you to heal him? His name is Bhabha. He has had this problem for 7 years. I was told some family members did it out of jealousy.
I belongs to a middle class family. With gods grace my family was having enough for a better living.
When I was at the age of 5 my father resigned his job, as he was far away from home. But later he was not able to get a job though
he cleared so many exams for government jobs.
I feel that somebody might have done some black magic, through a HINDU TEMPLE, of which i don't like to name.
I feel that by reading the Holly Koran, I can overcome all these hurdles.
There were quarrels in my house, without any reason, but not that much serious.
I was a good student during my school days, and used to score about 90% up to class 10 (In India 10+2 system is followed)
But after Class tenth, I lost my concentration. Though I am having a Post Graduate degree, I feel the required standard is not there.
My father was told by his intimate friend to visit a Dargah Sharif( Sorry if y. Due to that we got some relief.
In the year 2002, my father expired, unexpectedly. It was due to cardiac arrest. But I remember that he mentioned about some unusual
thing regarding his relatives. He observed that they were doing some kind of activities( he never believed in black magic ever before).
With Allahs grace I got a job. But now I use to quarrel with my wife. There will be no reason for that. After that we use to ask each other that what really happened.
Dear friend, i need your urgent assistance. Please tell me where you situated. If this is not possible then could you advise where i can go to get help to break the vodoo. I have spent thousands but the problems have got worse & i have lost everything. I even just missed death. Kindly reply if you are genuine.
Sir my problem is that i love the girl & she also loves me. Sir i am from pakistan & she is also from pakistan. Her father is a business man & her father live in germany because her father has done 2 marriage & she is from his second wife. I want to marry with her. Sir if you are sure that you can do anything. So lets set the milestone for it. As i am student & i want to pay you in milestone.
salam, can you please help me i been with boy for 6years but now there is this girl called barberry hussain shes done black megic on boy shes took him way from me now he hates me so much but i love him to much i dont knoe what to do can you please break the black megic for me please...
assalam alikum brother
i need an advice on this matter
my wife mother is controlling her so i decided to search the house and i found a yellow cloth like a amulet i dont know what is for or what to do it was in she mother rooom on top by the ceiling please brother any suggesttions or ideas
Something has been done to me and my husband, especially my husband.
Is there anything you can do to help me?
Is there a number I can call you on? Things are very serious.
respected amel
i am a human being who wants to live a normal and happy life. and i am a good-natured person who never thinks of harming anybody.
all those years i have suffered from black magic, when no one really bothered to listen to me and the rest openly make fun of me though they have also now been afflicted by magic...
respected amil, please tell me in the light of your knowledge what i have done wrong that everyone around me never seem to see what i have done ffor them but continue to ridicule me all the time....
example: when i was a child my mother snubbed me when i want to buy something. i never ask my parents for anything. whatever i buy i buy i buy from my own earned money.....yet it hurt me very much when neither parents appreciate it that she is not a burden on us ( even once). on the contrary when this summer, i bought 4-5 lawn suits from my own saved money my father openly said. ''''yeh tu bari fazul kharch hai'.i felt so hurt and quielty in my bedroom i open the quran and i pray to Allah that it s not fair.
2. i washed the whole house clothes from class 5 to class 9 when they got a maid..my parents never mention it...when in front of my sister-in-law i said father remember ..i washed clothes from class 5 to 9 he keeps quiet...
3. i was talking in the lounge with my mother and i said i dont feel hot usually...and she replied and all the airconditioners you have been using..it has been a month since she said it and i feel hurt because the truth is in the whole household i use the Ac in my room the least only when i am asked to again . the ones who really use it all the time..thye cant say a word to them. my sister who is now married she used to live upstairs and she used to run the ac 24 hrs ..my mother never said anything to her. it is always me thats always hatedand taunted for the resources i use
4. since i bought my laptop i have always shared it with everybody. my brother dont give it to my father and they fight on it. but i always give it to my father. but it hurt me very much when he dont acknowledge it even once, that my daughter is good she gives me whenever i ask her
5. i asked my father that i feel there is black magic on me and i want to go for umrah.he is so rich but he replied ,,i dont have the money. so i said i will pay for both the expenditures.he said i dont have the time..if somebody else ask he would have replied differently
I've read your post on blogs and reviewed one of your websites. You appear to be very knowledgeable on the subject of black magic and it's affects. I am so frustrated with my life because I have done all of the right things to succeed but I cannot even keep a roof over my head. I pay my rent but I will loose my dwelling anyway. And I always have plumbing, car and money problems even though I am not a heavy spender. People are mean to me for no reason at all. Everytime I am successful in a venture something weird happens to destroy it. I know you hear of so many cases all of the time so I don't want to bore you with my story. But I know someone has done something to me and I think I know who this person is. This person cannot even look me in my eyes when we're around each other which is extremely strange. I have been trying for years to get some peace and have spent money that I could not afford to use for this purpose but the effects are still present. Someone told me that my problems are due to "Cosmic Turbulence". I really don't know what this means but I don't think it's true because something negative happens to me on a regular basis and most of the time it is weird how these things occur. Why would I have Cosmic Turbulence when I am a good person that has done nothing to anyone.
Is there a way to find out, for sure, if I have black magic on me and if so, who is doing it?
i have not been well these days i sleep late i have red spots on my body my breathing is heavy as well.please assist me.allah hafiz.
I visited your site and found it very interesting.
I would like to know if there is any amal by which i can get psychic and spiritual powers?
Salaam brother ,
I am a sister under major stress and threat of divorce from inlaws. My husband is a good person and is fair and just in all worldly affairs as far as i've seen. However when it comes to his mother and sisters he completely blows out of proportion and terms me evil all the time. He repeatedly verbally and physically abuses me ....(however sometimes he is just fine) ....recently I have seen major hatred in him justifying how he should divorce me because I am a bad bad woman. I feared this has been put into him by his mother and asked a very God fearing lady to do isthikhara for me as things have gotten really bad and I fear all his baseless hatred will lead to divorce very soon. The lady said that my mother in law is constantly doing some sort of Amal on us so we fight alot...(which has been happening) and her main motive is for my husband to get rid of me.So then she may find him another bride.
Brother I have two beautiful kids...one girl two years old and a five month old son. There have been times where my inlaws have outright threatened me with divorce but because I think I read surah baqar and the quls alot I have gotten by. But now it seems the asr is going away or something.
Can u please please help me in anyway and save my house ?????
Asalam o aliekum brother, I have a problem that I want to discuss with you and I want u to do istikhara for me if I can have ur contact number. JazakAllah.
I have known a guy for 9 years we were in school together and he liked me since then and so did I like him we had an understanding that we will get married to eachother but his family specially his mother never approved of me but he always told me that everything will be ok and so life went on 8 months back I received a call from his mother that he wants to break up with me and so we broke up after sometime we spoke again so he told me that the istikhara he did for our marriage came out negative and he is a very religious guy he said that because of the negative istikhara my feelings have changed for you. I really like him a lot we have been together for so long I really want him to come back to me and marry me. Mufti sahib pls if u can help me with this matter. Remember me in your prayers.
My family had been through money problems and many misfortunes that i cant explain,but we know that many people have been doing black magic on us for a long time after they seen us happy and in good position.. i want to know the Hasir prayers which is written in Arabic to be translated to me in English if possible .. I am Islamic follower but do not know to read in Arabic..I have all my books in English and follow them..Please help me in this i will be very grateful to u
I think that somene has put black magic on me because when ever i do anything it turns into bad.
I need to stop this i need your help.
Please take notice
Assalamou alaykoum, can u give me a duah to repell black magic in my business
hi this is sheetal here
firstly m sorry if in case i bothering u..u dont know me neither i know u
m studying in college i belong to nasik
being a hindu i blive in islam i blive only in allah
i read ur post on a site related to dua from quran to reverse black magic...
m being suffering from this issue since five months m very restless n
need help i know who is doing this on me as this is not the first time
earlier also i had suffered cause of this i dont know what to do my
studies n health r detoriating also my personal life is suffering as i
cant think straight ...i need to know tht the dua u posted shud i
listen to it n what other things i shud practise i read darut sharif
everyday n it gives me lot of mental peace please help me allah will
help u
Dear Amil Saheb,
I have problems since one year. Nothing seems to be moving in right direction. I was well set but now everything has doomed. Kindly help me out of this situation. If possible please send me your cell number so that I can call you.
Dear sir,
My Narges is name
I found you via google. Can you help me and say what is the problem. it does not go well with my life now.
I hope to hear from you soon.
I have worked in Dubai for 12 years. I was well set. Then 2 indians (my managers) planned my termination and now I am jobless for the last one year. I went back to Dubai and got a very good job but at the last moment I was told that the job has been given to someone else. Similar things happen to me. When I think that I am going to succeed in something, things take a U-Turn and I lose. A friend of mine promised to send me a visa from Dubai but even after 2 weeks, nothing has happened. I don't understand what's happening around me. Please help.
Dear Aamil Sahab,
Assalamualaikum, I am so glad that I have found your website. I really appreciate your benevolent work to aware people about Jadoo tona. I regret to tell you that I am one of the unfortunate victim.
Recently I came to know that someone has done some sort of Jadoo to our family so everyone of us is suffering in a different way. Particularly my problem is not getting married. My father has performed hajj (He is very honest Amaliyat man) and he is praying for me and also has done KHatams, wazifahs but nothing seems to be working. So now I believe that it is the effect of Jadoo. I also can't concentrate to my studies. I should have finished my course last year but I am not still close to finish even though only four months left.
I am writing to you with the hope that you will be able to find a solution for me. I have downloaded "kala-jadoo-alwi-mokelat-noore-mokelat" and started listening to it.
Please suggest me a solution so that Allah removes all the blockages/Jadoo from my life and let me concentrate on to my work and get married.
I will remain grateful to you rest of my life. May Allah Bless you and your family.
i wish u all the best in your life time, brothers... dnt give up on allah.... may allah cure all ur problms with single piece of hiz blessing.. AMEN
assalamalaykum. Please if you could sent yout number to which i can call. I have had black migic done on me and my family f0r the last 26 years we have all been suffering now my youngest has brain tumours and is losing eye sight so much has happened in my life please if you can help reply quickly thankyou anisa
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